This account was hacked into by Image, a very honest guy as you all can see! Stealing people's passwords is his pasttime. Beware of this, before you register at his forums!
Why does the header have to be so big? Could you maybe alter the login box so that it's not so long and put the counter at the bottom? Maybe even move the shoutbox? If you viewed the forum on < 1024*768 you'd have to do a lot of scrolling to get to the first forum and if you browse in a high resolution (like me at 1600*1200) you get a lot of whitespace between the logo and the login.
Forum seems to be trying to be all things to all people. I mean, in the first category - presumably a 'General' category, we have incredibly disparate topics like Digital Graphics and Global Warming? The latter may be a topic under 'News', but the former could be a whole forum of it's own.
There are broken images on the home page, as well as a few misspellings.