I have recently moved our website to a different server and the file structure is different – the database is now in a folder called \db rather than \private as previously.
The result is that the forum will not work as the file path has changed.
Clicking on the link to the forum gives the following error message:
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0126' Include file not found /forum/inc_create_forum_mysql.asp, line 496 The include file 'inc_create_forum_configvalues.asp' was not found.
The hosting people say I just need to update your connection string to the correct path.
The new path would be 'D:\Domains\greenstarcanoeclub.co.uk\db\snitz_forums_2000.mdb'.
The question is where is this ‘connection string’ – presumably in one of the .asp files in the forum structure? I don’t appear to have any means to edit a .asp file so what should I do?
Unfortunately, I inherited the website & forum from AN Other who is no longer about so I don't have the original info that was sent through. I have had a look at the Readme link and see what I need to do but...
Problem No. 2 is that I am using a iMac and don't appear to have have an editor that can open the config.asp file - SimpleText, Appleworks & Word all don't recognise the file type....
I don't know anything about Mac's...but on windows, you can right click on a file and choose a program to open it rather than clicking it directly. Is there some equivalant command on the Mac? I would think a simple text editor could open it just fine.
Thanks very much for all your help - the problem is now sorted.
I found that if I changed the file extension to .txt, then Mac SimpleText would open it OK so i could do the editing OK and then renamed back to .asp prior to uploading - simple once someone tells you what to do!!!
It's not going to be quite that easy. There are periodic security updates that need to be coded, and if you've just inherited the forum you're going to have to go back and figure out when the last time this was done, and catch up. And it will be easier if you can dig up a Mac code editor to do it with.