I went to “Where Am I?” and found that the Physical Path to my Database is: d:\hosting\charlesubiljr\SzForum\MyDatabaseName.mdb
In config.asp (Dreamweaver 8), I set my connection string to; strConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" d:\hosting\charlesubiljr\SzForum\MyDatabaseName.mdb
I uploaded the SzForum folder to my web site, via WS_FTP Pro
You need to check to make sure that your database is located at "d:\hosting\charlesubiljr\SzForum\MyDatabaseName.mdb" which translate to http://journeyintoheaven.com/SzForum/MyDatabaseName.mdb and I would suspect that you have your database at: d:\hosting\db\MyDatabaseName.mdb
The message you are getting is saying that it can not find your database in the forum folder, and it is not recommended to have the DB in the forum folder. If you want to e-mail me with the folders you see when you ftp to host, we can work out your connection string from there...