I want to place an advert after the first post on a page and on each subsequent page, after the first reply.
Using the information provided here I've added the following code to topic.asp:
if intI = 0 then
CColor = strAltForumCellColor
CColor = strForumCellColor
end if
if iForum Mod 25 = 0 then
if ShowAdOK=TRUE then
Response.Write GetBanner2(Forum_ID)
end if
end if
and in inc_func_common.asp I've created the following function:
function GetBanner2(fID)
'## fID = Forum ID number
dim strBanner2 :strBanner2 = ""
select case fID
case 56
strBanner2 = strBanner2 & "<tr><td class=""profile"" align=""center"" bgcolor=""FFFFFF"" colspan=""" & sGetColspan(6,7) & """>TEST</td></tr>"
case else
strBanner2 = strBanner2
end select
GetBanner2 = strBanner2
end function
Now, the TEST appears after the first post on the first page but on the second and subsequent pages, it appears before the first reply on that page. How would I make it appear after the first reply on subsequent pages?