I'm pretty sure it's access based. I just bought the website from someone and I'm not sure.
Here's what it says:
"ASP-DEV Snitz Forum v2.84a beta"
"ConnString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=c:\websites1\w2kgamer.com\cgi-bin\snitz_forum.mdb" '## MS Access"
The site http://www.everythingt1.com/forum has the latest version and is on the same webserver as this forum so I know it will work with a newer version.
Let me know what you need. If you want I can just give you FTP access to the forum and you can update it if that's easier.
I emailed them to you and haven't heard back from you. This is the like the 3rd attempt to have my forum upgraded. I don't know anything about ASP or anything and everyone says it's so easy but when I try it myself I screw it all up. I just need a simple thing done but it seems to be impossible for it to get done. ARGGGHHHH. I have a webdesigner that wants me to change the colors to match the new site but I can't do it on this old version that I'm running. IF anyone else can help me upgrade my forum please email me at sysop@w2kgamer.com