In the pop_profile.asp after line 708 the closing block for
if (strHomepage + strFavLinks) > 0...
end if
You need to add as either an include file or added directly something similar to:
'Test to see if user has images online
sSQL = "Select * From " & strMemberTablePrefix & "ALBUM Where Member_id =" & ppMember_ID
set rsImage = my_Conn.Execute(sSQL)
Response.write "<tr><td>" & vbNewLine ' Add the proper table colors and headings
if not rsImage.Eof then 'User has images online show link as active
Response.write "<a href='photo_album_cat.asp?sqldtl=" & ppMember_ID & "'>Photo Album</a>"
Response.write "Photo Album"
end if
Response.write vbNewLine & "</td></tr>" & vbNewLine
'Lets clean up our db use
set rsImage = nothing
Of course you'll need to clean up the table stuff above but you get the idea.