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 Not really a DR but...
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553 Posts

Posted - 02 September 2000 :  18:15:29  Show Profile  Visit Kerry's Homepage
I've generally gone out of my way to point out that though I'm learning, I really know little about ASP. As a result, my attempts at contributing here have been primarily at the suggestion (without code) level because by the time I decide to tackle a problem one of the more adept coders here already have it solved. Twice.

The one exception was a spellchecker that I was going to try and get going and I found out it was well above my skill set.

Sooooo I decided to try something that a little less fast-paced that might, at some point, make a nice addition - providing of course I actually got it to work.

The result was that I grabbed a feature-poor calendar and started trying to add features to it. I think it works fairly well, but still lacks a bit of polishing. I also strongly suspect the better coders here would be appalled by the source.

Anyway, if anyone would like a copy to tie into the forum code (still a bit much for me) please let me know.

The demo:

Add an event (public - must be reviewed before it goes live)

The Admin section:

Feel free to try it out let me know what you think.


PS - yup, I shamelessly swiped the send-to-a-friend page

"Technology so advanced, even we don't understand it."

Junior Member

175 Posts

Posted - 02 September 2000 :  20:10:01  Show Profile
What are the features you added to the Calendar app ? Is this the "ASPCalendar" application ( ?
How do you suggest integrating this calendar in the Snitz Forum ? I don't really get it...

<font color=green><b><i>Marc Valentin</i></b>
</font id=green>
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553 Posts

Posted - 02 September 2000 :  20:29:05  Show Profile  Visit Kerry's Homepage
Yup, I started with Kamath's but saw some areas where it lacked:

Frames - can be bad for printing if you're dealing with your typical AOL'er who doesn't know to "activate" the frame.

No real way to have the small version of the calendar on other pages (was sched for v.2 in Aug of '99) - this one works with an include.

No way to summarize by month or isolate events.

No searchability - granted, mine's pretty lame but it's there (no small task for the ASP-Impaired <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>)

No way for non-Admins to post

No way to preview posts before they went live (if a non-Admin could post)

Anyway, these were options / tools I really hadn't seen integrated into a calendar (some had X but not Y) so I figured it'd be a good learning experience to try and make it work.

As far as fitting in, I dunno. For a "community-base" piece of software, I thought it might have some value to someone. (*Please note: I intentionally chose something unimportant / semi-useful to try because if it were important, someone else would have it implimented before I even figured out how to go about it - probably twice).


<font size=2><font color=red>"Technology so advanced, even <i>we</i> don't understand it."</font id=red></font id=size2>
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Starting Member

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Posted - 02 September 2000 :  21:27:43  Show Profile
Kerry, I love it.
Can't get the point of linking it in with the forum code bt as a stand alone it is just what I have been longing for.
Can I get a copy of your code <img src=icon_smile_approve.gif border=0 align=middle>

Peter Turnbull
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553 Posts

Posted - 02 September 2000 :  22:54:37  Show Profile  Visit Kerry's Homepage
Sure Peter, -Let me try and tidy up some of the mess I created in the code trying to make it work and I'll send it.

As far as it 'fitting in', I guess I saw it being used in a community setting - the <b>physical</b> as opposed to the virtual. Possibly for a local Computer-Users Group or large-ish company where the forum acts as a communication tool. In settings like those it might enable people to coordinate meetings or events (physical) that they discuss on their forum (virtual).

-In any event, that's why I posted it as "Not really a DR". Mainly it's just available if someone sees a need for it.


<font size=2><font color=red>"Technology so advanced, even <i>we</i> don't understand it."</font id=red></font id=size2>
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Posted - 04 September 2000 :  00:38:50  Show Profile  Send fuzzie an AOL message
Please send me a copy too. Thanks.

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Posted - 10 January 2001 :  09:00:49  Show Profile
I'd like a copy too. TNX!
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Posted - 10 January 2001 :  09:36:08  Show Profile
My users have been wanting something like this to post their chat events, etc. Add me to the list! :)

I know how you feel on the coding stuff. I'm still learning, too. I know just enough to be "really" dangerous.

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DEV Team Forum Moderator

3373 Posts

Posted - 10 January 2001 :  10:25:18  Show Profile  Send Da_Stimulator an AOL message  Send Da_Stimulator a Yahoo! Message
Tonight I could take a peak at it and tidy it up, see how I could integrate it into snitz Forums...

Stimmy's Forums - Using 3.1 SR3
"We all die someday, but your goin down before I do" - Me
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Posted - 10 January 2001 :  11:00:29  Show Profile  Visit SniperDude's Homepage  Send SniperDude an ICQ Message
This would be perfect for my new church website.. which is nowhere right now =) but I will post a link later to it.. =)

can the calendar events be limited to the current week or upcoming week? ... if it can't I will see if I can add that as I think I will need something like that =)

I would be using it standalone I am sure =)
but I do plan on using the snitz on the messageboard =)

*Graphics Withheld for Adminstrative reasons*
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65 Posts

Posted - 10 January 2001 :  11:50:57  Show Profile
Could you just post a link to your code?

You know... a cool addition to this would be to display a week or day view (selectable) in the main area of the screen when you click on an event or day.

Good work!

Edited by - jwilkens on 10 January 2001 11:54:58
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DEV Team Forum Moderator

3373 Posts

Posted - 10 January 2001 :  16:04:53  Show Profile  Send Da_Stimulator an AOL message  Send Da_Stimulator a Yahoo! Message
Kerry, can you post the code?

Stimmy's Forums - Using 3.1 SR3
"We all die someday, but your goin down before I do" - Me
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Posted - 10 January 2001 :  17:29:41  Show Profile
(for email notification only)

snitz ver3.1 sr2
access 2k.
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553 Posts

Posted - 10 January 2001 :  19:37:41  Show Profile  Visit Kerry's Homepage
-I stopped working on this in September and have since cleaned up the code a great deal and dumped the .dsn file in favor of JET. Unfortunately, the changed files are very much integrated with the rest of my site - I'll try to work on extracting them over the next day or so. That being said, here's the code for my first run at it:

Important note:
3 files need changed for your DB

Again, be warned - it's messy!

Changes in my almost-but-not-quite-live version ( include:

  • Cleaner code & connections
  • Admin recieves email when new event is added so it can be reviewed prior to posting
  • User administration
  • Integration with Reccomentor (see

Anyway, here ya go!


Edited by - kerry on 10 January 2001 19:40:43
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DEV Team Forum Moderator

3373 Posts

Posted - 10 January 2001 :  19:45:02  Show Profile  Send Da_Stimulator an AOL message  Send Da_Stimulator a Yahoo! Message
I'll wait until your done extracting it from your site, in case you decide to add more features when you are doing so. I dont wanna miss anything.

Stimmy's Forums - Using 3.1 SR3
"We all die someday, but your goin down before I do" - Me
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Average Member

597 Posts

Posted - 14 January 2001 :  08:40:35  Show Profile
Would it be possible to implement a feature that personalize the events in the calender?

I´m thinking of a system where users only see their own events, moderators events only show up in the sections they have control over and admin can post events in all calendars?

Is this possible? - would be cool for our school where independent teachers/classes/parents could see the events for their child/classes and the whole school...


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