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 MOD: Duplicate Registration.....
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Junior Member

Vatican City
304 Posts

Posted - 15 January 2001 :  05:10:20  Show Profile  Visit frankie's Homepage  Send frankie an AOL message  Send frankie an ICQ Message  Send frankie a Yahoo! Message
This is a fairly simple little mod that reminds a member when trying to register again from the same computer with fact that he's already register.

At the top of register.asp (around line 70)
you will see this code:

<!--#INCLUDE FILE="inc_footer.asp" -->

end if

right after it, insert this:

'#################### Duplicate Registration Mod #########################
if strAuthType = "db" and Request.QueryString("mode") <> "Proceed" then
strSql = "SELECT " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.MEMBER_ID, " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_NAME "
strSql = strSql & " FROM " & strTablePrefix & "MEMBERS "
strSql = strSql & " WHERE " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_NAME = '" & Request.Cookies(strUniqueID & "User")("Name") & "'"

Set rsChkName = my_Conn.Execute(strSql)

if not (rsChkName.EOF or rsChkName.BOF) then %>
<p align="center">
<table align="center">
<li><font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strDefaultFontSize %>">
Our records show that you have already registered at the <% =strForumTitle %> under the name of
<font color="red"><b><% =Request.Cookies(strUniqueID & "User")("Name") %></b></font>. If you have lost your password,
<a href="JavaScript:openWindow('pop_pword.asp')">click here</a>.
If you would like to modify your profile, <a href="pop_profile.asp?mode=edit">click here</a>.</font>
To Proceed anyway <a href="register.asp?mode=Proceed">click here</a></font>

<% else
call ShowForm

end if
end if

'#################### Duplicate Registration Mod #########################


Note: the user will still be able to access the policy page.


Edited by - frankie on 15 January 2001 14:00:54

Retired Admin

5511 Posts

Posted - 15 January 2001 :  06:18:46  Show Profile  Visit gor's Homepage
Two questions:

  • If a user removes the cookie, your check fails. That is a simple way to bypass the check.

  • Why would you care ?

Just thinking along: checking the IP wouldn't work either, because the fact that it is the same IP doesn't have to mean it is the same user.
Once the valid email address check has been incorporated that helps more, though that too can be bypassed ofcourse.

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Junior Member

333 Posts

Posted - 15 January 2001 :  09:50:03  Show Profile  Visit tilttek's Homepage

Just thinking along: checking the IP wouldn't work either, because the fact that it is the same IP doesn't have to mean it is the same user.
Once the valid email address check has been incorporated that helps more, though that too can be bypassed ofcourse.

I can had to this, you might have morre that one user on a computer. Like people comming from work, school, or Internet Cafe. Even some couple could have only one computer, or one for the kids.

Philippe Gamache
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Junior Member

Vatican City
304 Posts

Posted - 15 January 2001 :  13:48:45  Show Profile  Visit frankie's Homepage  Send frankie an AOL message  Send frankie an ICQ Message  Send frankie a Yahoo! Message
I did modify the code a little to give the member a choice of proceeding. The mod now is a reminder not a prevention.

Added code is in blue. Thanks for your input.

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Junior Member

329 Posts

Posted - 16 January 2001 :  10:49:20  Show Profile  Visit StockholmStudent's Homepage  Send StockholmStudent an ICQ Message

I did modify the code a little to give the member a choice of proceeding. The mod now is a reminder not a prevention.

Added code is in blue. Thanks for your input.


how does your modificatioon look!? Can I have it!? :)
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Junior Member

Vatican City
304 Posts

Posted - 16 January 2001 :  15:54:16  Show Profile  Visit frankie's Homepage  Send frankie an AOL message  Send frankie an ICQ Message  Send frankie a Yahoo! Message


I did modify the code a little to give the member a choice of proceeding. The mod now is a reminder not a prevention.

Added code is in blue. Thanks for your input.


how does your modificatioon look!? Can I have it!? :)

It looks exactly like the code above!!

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