You should or someone make a MOD that allow you to install MODs for you. Look it phpBB EasyMOD. It install mods for you and the install for EasyMOD is auto. You can even make a program that allows you to install MODs.
Technically it's quite feasible to write something that would do this, however it's not really in the "spirit" of Snitz. People are encouraged to try applying Snitz MOD's to help then learn more about programming in ASP/vbScript. If we had a MOD which auto installed MOD's it kind of defeats that philosophy really.
I can't really see how this could be done when most mods require code changes in the asp pages? As gremlin says its a good way to learn asp, I've learnt lots just from installing mods
I already know ASP. Anyways I think making a MOD that installs MODs for you would cause problems with diffenert versions of the forums. Just this can come in good use for MODs that have lots of files to edit like the Poll MOD. If this MOD was done then everyone who made a MOD would have to do the same way on making the readme.txt or install.txt to install the MODs. Making the MOD is gotta be hard. Anyways, what I said before about phpBB, it in PHP files and I think the MOD can only be done in PHP. So just forget about this and delete the topic if you want. If you all plan to put out ASP and PHP versions of the board then that a different story isn't it.
The MOD could be done in ASP nothing special about PHP that makes it any easier. It's not easy though and would take quite a bit of effort and theres likely to always be decisions about code inserts or deletes that would require manual input anyway to avoid compltely destroying your forum.
I don't think copying and pasting text from a text file into an ASP file is teaching anybody how to programme.
I would be in favour of seeing a MOD that’s installs MODs for people like me who just want to add functionality but don’t have a need to learn any programming skills.