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Junior Member

113 Posts

Posted - 01 September 2004 :  19:52:53  Show Profile  Visit davidkirk's Homepage
We;re about three weeks away from the formal launch of, a site devoted to "all of the rituals of GLBT life," including weddings and committment ceremonies. We'd love to have your feedback -- as long as you aren't a Republic or fundamentalist Christian. (But then that's the same thing, now these days, isn't it!?)

David Kirk

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7664 Posts

Posted - 02 September 2004 :  04:39:00  Show Profile  Visit Nathan's Homepage
Oh I wouldn't say that. I'm a fundamentalist Christian and Democrat.

Even so, I think your site looks nice. (Even if I disagree with it's purpose/content.)

Its usually polite to provide a testing login/password for forums that reqire login to visit when posting in the show-off forum.

Also, the flash part on top doesn't seem to be working on the forum login page. Theres just a big white void.

Nathan Bales
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Posted - 02 September 2004 :  07:53:03  Show Profile  Visit davidkirk's Homepage
Thanks, Nathan. I didn't mean to insult you by calling you a Republican! Thanks for the look-see and the courtesy login advice. I'll set-up a courtesy login later today when I'm not running off to a meeting. I'm surprised about the Flash issue you describe 'cause it's working for me on several computers in different locations. May I ask what browswer/OS you use?

David Kirk
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400 Posts

Posted - 02 September 2004 :  08:39:41  Show Profile
The Flash is to aple for me. I noticed it's existance only when it jumped out at me.

Other than that a nice looking site.
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Posted - 02 September 2004 :  09:35:41  Show Profile  Visit davidkirk's Homepage
Thanks for looking, Ranko. I'm afraid, though, that I don't understand what you're saying. Are you saying that flash looks "too Apple" to you, as in its a feature you associate with the Apple world and therefore don't like? I just want to make sure I understand, not questioning your opinion of Flash. BTW: here's the courtesy login info that Nathan Bales (the Democrat!) suggested I provide as a courtesy. Sorry not to have researched proper etiquette for the forum in advance: guest/courtesy

David Kirk
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Help Moderator

7664 Posts

Posted - 02 September 2004 :  17:19:47  Show Profile  Visit Nathan's Homepage
I'm not seeing the Flash in Firefox 0.93 on WinXP SP2.

It works great on the main page, just not above the forum.

Nathan Bales
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United Kingdom
304 Posts

Posted - 02 September 2004 :  17:48:27  Show Profile
I like the layout/colour scheme, but I think the "lock" and "unlock" images are counter-intuitive.

Also, on the profile update page, the text that states the fact that certain fields are compulsory , is hard to read against the background colour.
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400 Posts

Posted - 03 September 2004 :  03:04:01  Show Profile
OK: You open the page and there is the pretty picture on top with two guys who are either making an oversized bed with that huge sheet or are on a Berlin Love Parade; on the bottom of the picture there are the Library, Travel, Shopping and Resources bocxes that jump up when I point on them.

Before I point at them they can barely be seen as the oppacity is way too high (or low if you will); one needs to know they are there to look for them.

Sorry for not making myself clear the first time.
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Retired Support Moderator

2625 Posts

Posted - 03 September 2004 :  03:50:43  Show Profile  Visit MarcelG's Homepage
I very much like the integration, and I am amazed about the menu in the!
However, I'd like to stress the fact that the header and forum-menu takes up at least 50% of the screen, if not more, on a 1024x768 resolution.
In other words, the actual content is only accessible after scrolling. That's too bad.
I think you should consider integrating the forum-menu, and login/logout boxes into the rest of the header, to make space for the content.
Or, you could try to make the header a wee bit smaller...
Oh, and what I repeat almost everytime ; consider using alternate folder icons, so the default snitz look dissapears. There are some good sets available that fit to your colourscheme (of the rest of the site), for instance the 'Windows XP' icons at pun intended )
For the rest, looking good!

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113 Posts

Posted - 03 September 2004 :  08:58:32  Show Profile  Visit davidkirk's Homepage
Thanks for the great ideas and feedback everyone! Credit for the integration goes to Christian Leeds who modified the integration mod, apparently quite substantially. (Unpaid commercial announcement: Chris can be found at™ and NE Digital Photo or You're absolutely right about the size of the Flash header; unfortunately, I based the entire site on a FP template I purchased from pixelmill and I don't have the skills or original .fla file to modify the size. I'm hoping (and I hope not foolishly) that the intended audience will appreciate the powerful images and be willing to scroll around for the content. However, I will ask Chris what other magic he can perform to get the forum menus into the header. I love the idea of replacing the folder icons, as you see I've done with the lock/unlock/submit buttons. Thanks again!

David Kirk

Edited by - davidkirk on 16 September 2004 11:22:20
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Junior Member

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Posted - 03 September 2004 :  09:04:07  Show Profile  Visit davidkirk's Homepage
I missed the comment above from chumawumba on first read: "Also, on the profile update page, the text that states the fact that certain fields are compulsory, is hard to read against the background colour." Can anyone tell me which specific parameter that is in the "font/table color code configuration?" I can't seem to find it.

David Kirk
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9335 Posts

Posted - 03 September 2004 :  12:16:37  Show Profile
David, I think the problem with the Flash movie on the forums in Firefox is in this line:
<embed src="index.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="760" height="200">

It'll probably work if you add ../ to index.swf :)
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New Member

65 Posts

Posted - 03 September 2004 :  13:46:18  Show Profile
As others have said, the flash navigation is not obvious enough. Perhaps if the headings on popups were more contrasted to the underlying image. Additionally, the flashing dingbats once these menus slide are quite irritating. Perhaps a little less contrast and less in-your-face flashing. Any more and the site should likely come with a photo-sensitive seizure warning. Overall, I liked the crisp colourful style of the opening page. The page transitions are a little fluffy.

I wanted to log in to see more of the actual forums but clicking on the agree button continually cycled me back to the policy.asp page.

Best wishes with it!

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Junior Member

113 Posts

Posted - 03 September 2004 :  15:29:50  Show Profile  Visit davidkirk's Homepage
Thanks, Roland, for the code suggestion. It's Greek to me but I'll bet Chris Leeds will be happy to have the suggestion! Also: I can't do much ... well anything about the Flash animation since it came as part of a template and the developers won't part with the .fla file so until the site is making some money (we hope!!) I'll have to live with what's there. Thank you, stevr, for the alert to the policy.asp problem. You guys are great and I really appreciate your help and kindness to strangers!

David Kirk
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United Kingdom
1893 Posts

Posted - 03 September 2004 :  18:28:20  Show Profile  Visit PeeWee.Inc's Homepage
There's a NAV MOD out there that will help with the policy.asp trouble. Search the MOD forums for it. It should also be on

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Posted - 03 September 2004 :  20:21:22  Show Profile  Visit redbrad0's Homepage  Send redbrad0 an AOL message
I agree that your header is just to large but its a great looking header. I would see if there is a way you could get the same look of the header with it not taking up as much space.

Other then that from what I can see without a test login looks great.

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