You have 6 members, ánd a nice looking site with an interesting unique colourscheme! I'd only change two things ; the foldericons for the tree structure (they're still the old ones) and the colour of the bottom-row containing the Snitz link.
teach me some .asp, I had a look at your site, makes me jealous, I have crappy frames on my site. I want to have comments on videos and such, can I IM you about interweb stuff?
haha...well to be honest...I don't actually know ASP... I just know some HTML, know how to copy/paste and am very very patient...... took me over one year...
quote:I'd only change two things ; the foldericons for the tree structure (they're still the old ones) and the colour of the bottom-row containing the Snitz link.
For the rest : looking good!
I completely agree with marcel on this one! I like the colors, something you don't see every day.