I have a problem with this NT authentication. I'm using NT auth and I have set my user ID to level 3 in the database (MySQL) but if I try to lock a topic it pops up with a window stating my NT login ID and then refuses to accept me as an admin.
I can't see what I have done wrong
I have manually entered my NT password in my database.
mLev = cint(ChkUser(Request.Form("user"), Request.Form("Pass"))) to mLev = cint(ChkUser2(STRdbntUserName, Request.Form("Pass")))
Why are some statements using ChkUser and others ChkUser2? When I used find and replace to make changes per above I still wasn't able to UNlock topics without my change.
When I changed mine, I did a search for "mlev" and replaced the lines. I didn't notice that some used ChkUser instead of ChkUser2. I guess I should have said to replace all lines that read: