hey i just got my forums up i have to make some changes to it e.g. change the logo and stuf
i want to put some mods into it and was wondering if some ppl could give me some advise as i've never dont it before
these forums are pointed to teens (but all are welcome) if some ppl could give me an idea for what mods i should put into it ect. that would be great thx :P
Also if ya were ta register as well that would be great i really wanna get a few members :)
Jubilaki, it would also help if you provided a test account. You cannot expect all people here to sign up for your forum just to check it out and provide feedback.
Sorry Jubilaki, but I cannot agree more with i011877. There's nothing/not much modded in this forum, and the colorscheme is 95% the same as the default color scheme. These are some mods that you might try - the avatar mod (each member can have his/her own 'logo') - the active users mod (shows which members and how many guests are online) - the private messages mod (allows members to send each other private messages on the forum)
Also, consider creating a unique colorscheme, and use appropriate icons with it instead of the default icons.
There are no templates to use with Snitz Forums. The best tip I can give you is to pick a base color to work off (and use as the page background color) and pick colors that go well with that color. Make sure the text color is in high contrast with the color on which it's placed to increase readability.