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United States
2390 Posts

Posted - 07 April 2004 :  01:31:39  Show Profile  Visit Etymon's Homepage

As I sit here at my keyboard on many a lonely night clicking, tapping keys, and pondering, I often think, "Where would I be without Snitz?"

As a father of two handicapped children who have Autism, as a husband of a wonderful wife and artist who has Fibromyalgia, and as a bread winner who is a painting contractor with a degenerative slipped disk and an impending ankle bone fusion, I stay up late at night Snitzing on my forum with MODs of others and of my own. It's a great pain reliever for me ... sometimes it gets my mind off of physical pains and it gives me joy. It's a good thing. No, actually a great thing!

I'm not much of a communicator though I find the forum software truly amazing. I am not a MOD creator as I don't know enough about code to fix problems that could arise. However, I am faithful each night to visit these forums and see what fun things other people are working on. I hope having the Snitz forums has done as much for them as for me. This is such a enlightening community to be a part of.

Well, I am off to go back tinkering with modding something else. Maybe someday I can make a living with what I do for fun. That would be wonderful!



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1568 Posts

Posted - 07 April 2004 :  02:36:35  Show Profile  Visit TestMagic's Homepage
Yeah, I know what you mean. I don't post here as much as I used to, but I still visit every day, or just about. There's just something about knowing all the people, knowing who they are, what their forums are about... Kind of like a reality show, except it's, um, real.

Snitz was really a turning point for me in my--don't know what to call it--"Internet career." Snitz was the first dynamic thing I had on my site, and I was so happy with it. It was a bit daunting at first, but the support I received here was awesome.

Sounds like you have a lot on your plate there, Etymon. Good to hear you're handling it all. Wish you all the best, I know it must be trying at times.

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Senior Member

United Kingdom
1141 Posts

Posted - 07 April 2004 :  04:57:20  Show Profile  Visit Jezmeister's Homepage
snitz may hav been the first dynamic thing u had on ur site - snitz was literally the first thing i had on my site lol to be honest it was the only reason i bothered buying the domain and hosting...
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Forum Admin

United Kingdom
20587 Posts

Posted - 07 April 2004 :  05:31:34  Show Profile  Visit HuwR's Homepage

Many thanks for your kind words, I am glad that we can help you in this way, and is really what Snitz is about, it is not the code but the communities it spawns.

Can I recomend that you pop by every once in a while, it does not yet have any modules which relate to you and your familly, but may soon (I will check what they have planned) It now has a forum which, is slowly beginning to get some use, where members can also share their experiences of health related issues.
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Advanced Member

United States
2390 Posts

Posted - 07 April 2004 :  23:08:36  Show Profile  Visit Etymon's Homepage


Thanks Huwr for the thoughtfulness in guiding me to the new site. I registered there as Etymon. I'll try to post some to help out. I've had some illnesses in the family similar to some of the forum headings presented. My mother passed from cancer. It's a tough thing to work out sometimes. Maybe I can encourage someone.


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Average Member

741 Posts

Posted - 08 April 2004 :  00:54:36  Show Profile
Originally posted by Etymon

...I often think, "Where would I be without Snitz?"
I'll second that! What a great post Etymon.

For me, snitz made my site. As a fan of Hawaiian music, I originally planned to have a static website listing published learning materials (books & videos). Today, the snitz forum is the lifeblood of my website with over 625 members and going strong. Snitz allowed my site to become so much better and bigger than I ever imagined.

I too do not have the programming expertise to write mods or dig deep into code to help people. But the community here is so knowledgable and supportive that I've been able to install mods and trouble shoot my mistakes. Thanks snitz!

Thanks Etymon for such a sincere and thoughtful post.

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