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United Kingdom
1893 Posts

Posted - 05 April 2004 :  16:42:12  Show Profile  Visit PeeWee.Inc's Homepage


Sassy Sista
Cassie Green, from Lancaster.
AGE: 16.

Signature stile: Club Queen.
People think i'm older becouse... "although i'm only 5ft 2in. I have a sexy, older look. Plus, my hair is always perfectly styled. Mum's a hairdresser so i get it done for free!"
Always Remember... "short skirts and skyscraper heels make you look younger. When i was 14 i wore the biggest heels i could find to go clubbing, but i could hardly walk down the street!"
Act Confident: "Always stroll into a club in a group. Make sure you're all laughing and chatting to each other rather then looking nervouse."
I Love Looking Older... "It means we can go out clubbing and get older boyfriends with cars and money. Plus, girls muture much faster then boys! I used to love going clubbing with my 18-year-old ex-boyfriend, Presston, and all this mates"

It's hard to read from the image, so i thought i would quote it for the people who find it harder to read small things.

Now, i've never read Bliss! Mag, and i dont think i ever would. However, i do know what it is. It's a Girl-teen mag, aimed at girls from the age of 10 to 15.

This was printed in this months mag. I was shocked when Cassita told me, and posted the image on her website. How could a Mag aimed at young girls print something like this. To me, this is shocking, and should never have been printed. I see it as Bliss! are saying that it is ok for girls aged 15 to go out drinking, and not warning them about what could happen to your body, or why the law (in the UK, where this mag is sold) is 18 for drinking.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Snitz, and is nothing like the run-of-the-mill topics we get here. I wanted to post it becouse i thought i would get some good replies from you all, and the thoughts you have on not only this, but the teen aimed media as a whole. How do you mothers/fathers feel about your young kids reading things like this?

De Priofundus Calmo Ad Te Damine

Development Team Leader

2085 Posts

Posted - 05 April 2004 :  17:33:25  Show Profile
Great advert for under aged drinking and making the young impressionable girls want to go out and pick up older boys for money I thought. So does that mean that the mag works as a teen escort agency? "Here is the girl, and this is what she likes so pay her!"

If my 13 or 15 year old daughters seen this, they would laugh their heads off.

I know the 16 year old that used to live next door was just like the girl in the mag, and she now is in a rehab beating off drugs and alcohol addiction. Of course she used to come out and say that she used to have deep and meaningful conversations with guys, just before she slept with them to make some point.

I let my girls have the occasional alcoholic drink at home and not go stupid on it. It is then under controlled conditions and has stopped them from wanting to go out an do that sort of stuff. My how things have changed, my parents never let me drink until I left home...


David Greening
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Posted - 05 April 2004 :  18:46:37  Show Profile
That is exactly the way girls in my school seem to act. I guess it's sad that this is the way things are, but it's true. Drugs and drinking, I'm sure at least 70% of my school has tried drugs and drinks regularly. I don't understand, maybe because I'm a looser, and just a geek, but when they said 'drugs are bad,' and 'drinking is bad,' I listened, but few else did.


Plus, girls mature much faster then boys!

I suppose if being a ... and looking for a guy with money is maturety...

[Note that I'm only 15]

Edited by - Dave. on 05 April 2004 19:40:10
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Posted - 05 April 2004 :  19:20:03  Show Profile  Visit Nathan's Homepage
Pulling the silver string, all all the wrong ways.

Nathan Bales
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New Zealand
7528 Posts

Posted - 05 April 2004 :  20:58:17  Show Profile  Visit Gremlin's Homepage
Where's it mention drinking? In many countries theres an entirely "non-alcoholic" clubbing scene for Teens, back in my younger days we started up one of the first teenage nightclubs here in NZ.

Kiwihosting.Net - The Forum Hosting Specialists
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 06 April 2004 :  03:37:26  Show Profile  Visit HuwR's Homepage
doesn't mention drugs either.
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Development Team Leader

2085 Posts

Posted - 06 April 2004 :  07:37:13  Show Profile
No it doesn't mention drugs or drinking, but my former next doors niece who is 16 used to go clubbing all the time and used to drink and do drugs. I was just comparing the girl in the mag with another 16 year old (that niece) that went clubbing all the time and would always try to pick up the older boys. I was not saying the girl in the mag was doing it.


David Greening
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 06 April 2004 :  08:54:32  Show Profile  Visit Jezmeister's Homepage
well id be quite happy for my kids to see this... lol i agree with dave tho, to be honest the drinking thing is nothing new... nor is drugs...
at least 40-50% of people in my year @ skool smoke regularly (& not jst ur regular nicotine/tobacco if u get my drift...) and drinking... well i dont know many who dont hav the odd drink but about the same amount as do drugs are regular (and heavy) drinkers - even tho very few actually do that in public... (note i dont live in a rough area at all compared to a lot of places) if ny kids read nything in that article they dont already no (well perhaps except this girls life story lol) then id be very surprised...
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 06 April 2004 :  11:40:50  Show Profile  Visit MarkJH's Homepage
Where's it mention drinking? In many countries theres an entirely "non-alcoholic" clubbing scene for Teens, back in my younger days we started up one of the first teenage nightclubs here in NZ.

You think her 18-year old ex-boyfriend would want to go with her to an alcohol-free nightclub?

Anyway, I think this quote gives that one away:

Act Confident: "Always stroll into a club in a group. Make sure you're all laughing and chatting to each other rather then looking nervouse." -
Bandlink Music Forums -

Edited by - MarkJH on 06 April 2004 11:41:52
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General Help Moderator

New Zealand
7528 Posts

Posted - 06 April 2004 :  18:33:41  Show Profile  Visit Gremlin's Homepage
You think her 18-year old ex-boyfriend would want to go with her to an alcohol-free nightclub?
Sure why not, I know many people to this day who have never touched a drop of alcohol in their life. Not everyones your stereo-typical teenager :)

Kiwihosting.Net - The Forum Hosting Specialists
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United Kingdom
1893 Posts

Posted - 06 April 2004 :  18:44:37  Show Profile  Visit PeeWee.Inc's Homepage
True, but the image given out by this is that of drinking alcohol. Dont you think?

De Priofundus Calmo Ad Te Damine
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Doug G
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6493 Posts

Posted - 06 April 2004 :  20:54:38  Show Profile
So maybe stamp a scarlet "I" (for "Imbiber") on her forehead and make sure she forever wears shapeless, uncolored full-coverage clothes.

Nathaniel Hawthorne would probably advise this :)

Doug G
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 07 April 2004 :  05:04:06  Show Profile  Visit Jezmeister's Homepage
lol im not entirely sure if this goes with convo but it for some reason made me think of it lol - a couple of years ago an 11 year old kid became britains youngest ever father...
some people get all the luck... lol nyway back to the original track of convo... 99.9% of teenagers drink alcohol whether at clubs or not so i dont see what the big deal is?
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United Kingdom
20587 Posts

Posted - 07 April 2004 :  05:37:34  Show Profile  Visit HuwR's Homepage
I don't see how it is that shocking, I am 41 now, but was going out drinking/smoking and partying when I was 14 (it was 1977 and the punk revolution took us all )

And don't forget you are legally allowed to drink while you are still a teenager, i8/19 year olds are still teenagers.
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Senior Member

United Kingdom
1141 Posts

Posted - 07 April 2004 :  09:27:26  Show Profile  Visit Jezmeister's Homepage
h8 to correct u all but there is no law for legally allowed to drink - just legally allowed to drink IN PUBLIC lol... sorry - jst felt like correcting someone lol.
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Forum Admin

United Kingdom
20587 Posts

Posted - 07 April 2004 :  09:32:52  Show Profile  Visit HuwR's Homepage
sorry Jezmeister, but you are wrong too, it is an offence under the childrens act to administer alcohol to children under the age of 5 unless it is under medical supervision.
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