Where can I find the avatar mod? I've tried searching, but no go. It just doesn't seem to be on the mods section. I see a lot of avatar-mod add-ons, but can't find the real thing. Can anyone tell me where to get it? Thanks.
OK one more thing - I have a question about how you upload avatars with this mod. I can get a mod from a link from another website, but it won't let me upload them. I'm confused about what settings to put in the boxes for:
Mass avatar upload - "the new avatars are in a folder called" and "the main avatar is in a folder called" boxes
Normal avatar upload "destination" box - can I leave this blank? Or do I give the web address of my site? What should I put?
OK, heres an update: When uploading a new avatar, I tried typing
into the box for where the avatar goes (because . is the ms-dos for 'same folder'?). When I did this, I got an error telling me that Microsoft Something had an error, etc.... any ideas?