One menu with a few links (horizontally) along the top. When you click on the links the content appears on the page, but the page format doesn't change - text just appears out of nowhere.
Answer :
Well, I thought it was a simple use of layers (DW-speak), but I just can't get it to work properly. Is there a better way to do this ?
Yeah, I've done that. I have 7 layers - only ever one should be visible, and all are set to hidden by default. I just can't find the right settings to make them all have the same top/left. I've tried making them DIV and SPAN with positioning of ABSOLUTE (not good when you resize screen) and RELATIVE (the layers ssem to stack under each other).
i have a table that is centered, the text has to "appear" as though it is in the table (maybe my anchoring is wrong ?). But when I make the window wider, the table centers and the (visible) layer stays in the same spot
that is because ABSOLUTE is exactly that... ABSOLUTE, doesn't matter that you surround it within a table cell. This means you have to define the top and left position of the layer with respect to the screen and/or another layer. Maybe if you showed us an example of what it is you're trying to do we can assist you better. I am very comfortable with layers as it related to DHTML/DOM and may be able to further assist.