I have a fairly large forum -- 3000+ members, and cannot get reliable email out to them using either the EMail List or Email All Users mods, using either CDONTS or ASPMAIL (my two available choices). I get server timeouts and a variety of errors.... And you spam them if you try again....
What are you using to mail your users, that's easily and inexpensively implemented?
We wrote our own email manager for sending newsletters. It's pretty easy with Delphi and ADO, and you can simply scan through the forum data base to get the email addresses. We also update the data base with the newsletter issue number and date sent for each member. That way, if there is a hiccup during mailing, we can restart the process without sending duplicates to those who have already received the mailing.
--Jördan It's a wasted day if you don't spend at least part of it flying upside down.
I wrote one also where it would basically send 5 emails per a page refresh and after it sent each email it did the same thing as jordan said where i could restart it if my internet connection went down or the server crashed. It does take awhile for it to run but its a way to get it to work. You could probley even have it send 20-30 emails per a page refresh and not have any problems because of timeouts