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 IP Address's how reliable are they?
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United Kingdom
40 Posts

Posted - 28 December 2003 :  13:03:11  Show Profile  Visit Doughnut's Homepage
Alright all,

Anyone know about IP address's?

This is all kind of linked to banning people by their IP address!
It seems impossible to do much if a user has a Dynamic IP address without banning someone else, is this correct or are there ways of controlling em?

Also do ISP's that use static IP address's give each of their users a unique IP address or is it possible for them to give two of their users the same address, do they ever do this?

Probably basic stuff but I just wanna be sure of what I'm doing

Cheers, Robin.

Forum Moderator

6907 Posts

Posted - 28 December 2003 :  13:09:54  Show Profile
two computers cannot have the same IP address at the same time. most users have an assigned IP (as opposed to a static one), so if that IP expires, they may be given a different one.

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Starting Member

United Kingdom
40 Posts

Posted - 28 December 2003 :  13:22:24  Show Profile  Visit Doughnut's Homepage
Thanks Nikkol,

Thats what I wanted to know really, it's also what I thought but someone put a few doubts in my mind.

Thanks, Robin.
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