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 Does the GNU Allow This????
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Posted - 19 December 2003 :  02:44:47  Show Profile  Visit acoustika's Homepage  Send acoustika an ICQ Message
I saw a Forum company offering this to schools and other interested.

They would for a certain amount of money, host and administrate a forum. Can that be done with SNITZ????.

Forexample: Offering a hidden/only member allowed Forum with x number of predefined members for an amount of money pr. month/˝ year/year

Here it will the hosting plus the work done with the forum(installation/ and so..) plus the administration of the forum while they have bought time/members and so on.

Would that be legal according to the GNU????????

And I don't even know if there is a market for this but got the idea since I saw that firm/internet form offering it.

May The Code Be With You *** The Open Forums of Denmark ***

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7664 Posts

Posted - 19 December 2003 :  03:04:51  Show Profile  Visit Nathan's Homepage
Yes. That would be perfectly legal under the GNU GPL.

I just finished a section in my "Computer Ethics" class on the GPL.

One thing that isn't legal under the GNU GPL is putting any restrictions on how users can modify the code.

Nathan Bales
CoreBoard | Active Users Download

Edited by - Nathan on 19 December 2003 03:05:10
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Junior Member

311 Posts

Posted - 19 December 2003 :  03:29:59  Show Profile  Visit acoustika's Homepage  Send acoustika an ICQ Message
Okay thanks Nathan, I also thought it would be, since it would be your work, and the hosting they would pay for and NOT the code og anything like that :-)
Maybe I'll try this marketing this later on. Just need to polish the idea ;-)

May The Code Be With You *** The Open Forums of Denmark ***
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7664 Posts

Posted - 19 December 2003 :  03:37:50  Show Profile  Visit Nathan's Homepage
Actually, they can charge for the software, they just have to give you the source code and cant tell you that you cant distribute or modify it as you wish.

Thats the beauty of copyleft, no one can have a copyright on it.

Nathan Bales
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New Zealand
7528 Posts

Posted - 20 December 2003 :  03:32:54  Show Profile  Visit Gremlin's Homepage
One thing that isn't legal under the GNU GPL is putting any restrictions on how users can modify the code.
I'd always suspected that was the case but never knew for sure or not.

Kiwihosting.Net - The Forum Hosting Specialists
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