I took some time out to make some gradients. A total of fifty of them. Some may be fairly close but I tried to make them each a little different. Download Now. Just for a heads up. I know some people do not like registering just to download a MOD but a spent a lot of time making each gradient (all 50 of them) so I think that you can take < 2 minutes out to register and download. That (I think, even though some people dont like it) is a simple request. However because some people do not appreciate having to register I will () provide the download link to directly download the MOD without registering. I would appreciate if you would register so that I can see how many people like my MOD. Download Without Registering.
You could just put the link on a page with a counter on it, that would give you an indication of the number of downloads, also analysing your weblogs will tell you the same story :)