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Junior Member

345 Posts

Posted - 09 September 2003 :  21:13:19  Show Profile
In our Discussion Groups, we have designated certain forums to be the homes of clubs (Pedometer Club, Book Club, etc.) and have created club icons that flag the club members. The icons stay with the member's postings as long as they post at least once a week. Implementation requires two additional tables and changes to three files (inc_func_count.asp, post_info.asp, and topic.asp). Our members really like this added recognition, and it encourages participation in these forum area.

As far as I know, there is no conflict with any other mod. Currently, there is no administrative capability so creating the clubs must be done by manual access to the data base.

If anyone is interested, I can post the changes required.

Here's an example of what the club membership display looks like from topic.asp - note the mouse-over display of the club name (the cursor does not show in the screen capture, but it is over the walking feet icon):

It's a wasted day if you don't spend at least part of it flying upside down.

Junior Member

345 Posts

Posted - 18 November 2003 :  23:41:19  Show Profile
I have been asked to post the code for this mod. Once I do, perhaps one of the moderators will transfer the thread to the W/Code forum.

On a difficulty scale of 1-10 (1- easy, 10 - difficult), I would rate this one as a 6 or 7, mainly because the data base changes are not automated and there is no administrative interface.


Adds club icons to the member information column in TOPIC.ASP. A club membership is defined as active if the member has posted in one of the specific club forums within the last seven days. Whenever a forum member posts into a forum which is defined as a club, the corresponding club icon is included in their topics.asp display, and will remain there for seven days (hard-coded, but only in one place in the code). So long as a member posts in a club forum at least once each seven days, their club icon will remain in place.


You must add two tables to the FORUMS data base, and populate the CLUBS table by hand (the CLUB_MEMBERS table is updated as needed by the MOD).

The table structure is as follows (assuming that FORUM is your table prefix; if not, change your prefix appropriately):

  CLUB_ID 	integer  	primary key
  FORUM_ID 	integer 	default 0
  CLUB_NAME	nvarchar(120)	default ''
  CLUB_ICON	nvarchar(120)	default ''
  CLUB_ACTIVE	tinyint		default 0

Create primary key index on CLUB_ID
Create index on FORUM_ID

  SEQUENCE_ID 	integer 	auto-increment primary key
  CLUB_ID	integer		default 0
  MEMBER_ID	integer		default 0
  LAST_POST	nvarchar(14) 	default ''

Create index on CLUB_ID
Create index on MEMBER_ID  

1. The club icon is assumed to be located in the forum icon directory defined by strImageURL.
2. The CLUB_ACTIVE flag is not currently used, but is intended to allow selective disabling of individual clubs. Adding this capability is a simple matter of adding one more WHERE clause to the SELECT statement in TOPIC.ASP.
3. The CLUB_ID value is immaterial so long as it is unique. Once establised, it should not be changed. I included CLUB_ID rather than simply using FORUM_ID to allow for moving a club from one forum to another. Potentially you could even assign multiple clubs to a forum, but that really doesn't make a lot of sense.


Insert this code at any convenient place (not in-line with other code):

sub doUClubMembership(cForumID,cMemberID)
  strSql = "SELECT CLUB_ID FROM " & strTablePrefix & "CLUBS WHERE FORUM_ID=" & cForumID
  'Response.Write strSql & "<br>"
  set rsClub = my_conn.Execute (strSql)
  if rsClub.Eof or rsClub.Bof then
    set rsClub = NOTHING
    Exit sub
  end if
  club_id = cINT(rsClub("CLUB_ID"))
 ' forum is a club - update member
 strSql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS NUM FROM " & strTablePrefix & "CLUB_MEMBERS WHERE CLUB_ID=" & club_id & " AND MEMBER_ID=" & cMemberID
 set rsClub = my_conn.Execute (strSql)
 club_count = cINT(rsClub("NUM"))
 set rsClub = nothing 
 if club_count = 0 then
   strSql = "INSERT INTO " & strTablePrefix & "CLUB_MEMBERS (CLUB_ID, MEMBER_ID) VALUES (" & club_id & ", " & cMemberID & ")"
   my_Conn.Execute (strSql),,adCmdText + adExecuteNoRecords   
 end if
   strSql = "UPDATE " & strTablePrefix & "CLUB_MEMBERS SET LAST_POST = '" & DateToStr(strForumTimeAdjust) & "' " 
   strSql = strSql & " WHERE CLUB_ID=" & club_id & " AND MEMBER_ID=" & cMemberID
   my_Conn.Execute (strSql),,adCmdText + adExecuteNoRecords
end sub


Around 748, find the code shown, and insert the code in red

				'Huw -- Update member count
				if (AutoApprove = "Yes") and blnTStatus = 2 and blnTopicMoved then
					doUClubMemberShip Forum_ID, MemberID
					'Response.Write "1 F/M: " & Forum_ID & "/" & MemberID & "<br>"
				end if

Around line 1900, insert the code shown in red

			case "Reply", "ReplyQuote", "TopicQuote"
			        ' DEM --> If moderated post, the counts should not be updated until after approval
			        ' Combined the Reply, ReplyQuote and TopicQuote because the basic code was the same.
			        if Moderation = "Yes" then
			                Response.Write("New Reply Posted!  It will appear once approved by a moderator")
			                Response.Write("New Reply Posted!")
							if ForumCountMPosts <> 0 then
				                DoUCount Request.Form("UserName")
					        doUClubMemberShip Forum_ID, MemberID
					        'Response.Write "2 F/M: " & Forum_ID & "/" & MemberID & "<br>"
				 			end if
			        end if
					DoULastPost Request.Form("UserName")

Around line 1915, add the code shown in red

			case "Topic"
			        ' DEM --> If moderated post, the counts should not be updated until after approval
			        if Moderation = "Yes" then
			                Response.Write("New Topic Posted!  It will appear once approved by a moderator")
			                Response.Write("New Topic Posted!")
							if ForumCountMPosts <> 0 then
				                DoUCount Request.Form("UserName")
					        doUClubMemberShip Forum_ID, MemberID
					        'Response.Write "3 F/M: " & Forum_ID & "/" & MemberID & "<br>"
						 	end if
			        end if
					DoULastPost Request.Form("UserName")


Around 280, add the code shown in red. Note that I have (among several others) the Poll Mod installed. If you do not, then much of the quoted code will not be present in your file. I have shown lines 209-327 of my TOPIC.ASP.

	if CanShowSignature = 1 then
		Topic_MemberSig = trim(rsTopic("M_SIG"))
	end if
'############## Poll Mod ##################
	IsPoll = rsTopic("T_ISPOLL")
	Forum_Polls = rsTopic("F_POLLS")
	Poll_Status = rsTopic("T_POLLSTATUS")
	if IsPoll = 1 then
		For i = 1 To 15
			strSql = strSql & ", P.ANSWER" & CStr(i)
			strSql = strSql & ", P.COUNT" & CStr(i)
		strSql = strSql & " FROM " & strTablePrefix & "POLLS P"
		strSql = strSql & " WHERE P.TOPIC_ID = " & Topic_ID

		set rsPoll = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
		rsPoll.Open strSql, my_Conn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
		if not(rsPoll.EOF) or not(rsPoll.BOF) then
			Last_Vote = rsPoll("P_LASTVOTE")
			strWhoVotes = rsPoll("P_WHOVOTES")
			For nCount = 1 to 15
				'Loop through answer and count fields for the poll
				'and store them in arrays
				vAnswers(nCount) = rsPoll("ANSWER" & CStr(nCount))
				vCount(nCount) = rsPoll("COUNT" & CStr(nCount))
		end if
		set rsPoll = nothing
	end if
	if IsPoll = 1 then
		pollLink = "poll=1&"
		pollLink = ""
	end if
end if

set rsTopic = nothing

if recTopicCount = "" then
	if ArchiveView <> "true" then
		Response.Redirect("topic.asp?ARCHIVE=true&" & ChkString(Request.QueryString,"SQLString"))
	end if
end if 

'## Forum_SQL - Get original topic and check for the Category, Forum or Topic Status and existence  
        strSql = "SELECT U.M_NAME AS ANAME"
		strSql = strSql & ", COUNT(A.PHOTO_ID) AS PICTURES"
		strSql = strSql & " FROM " & strMemberTablePrefix & "ALBUM_USERS U"
		strSql = strSQL & ", " & strMemberTablePrefix & "ALBUM A"
		strSql = strSql & " WHERE U.MEMBER_ID=" & TMEMBER_ID
		strSql = strSql & " AND U.MEMBER_ID = A.MEMBER_ID"
		strSql = strSql & " GROUP BY U.M_NAME"
		set albrs = my_Conn.Execute(strSql)
		if albrs.BOF or albrs.EOF then
		  A_NUM_PICS = 0
		  A_NUM_PICS = albrs("PICTURES")
		end if
		set albrs = NOTHING
        strSql = "SELECT C.* FROM " & strTablePrefix & "CLUB_MEMBERS M, " & strTablePrefix & "CLUBS C WHERE "
		strSql = strSql & "M.CLUB_ID=C.CLUB_ID AND M.MEMBER_ID=" & TMember_ID
		strSql = strSql & " AND M.LAST_POST > '" & DateToStr(DateAdd("d",-7,strForumTimeAdjust)) & "'"
		set clubrs = my_Conn.Execute(strSql)
		club_links = ""
		do while not clubrs.EOF
		  club_links = club_links & "<a href=""forum.asp?FORUM_ID=" & clubrs("FORUM_ID") & """> "
		  club_links = club_links & "<img src=""" & strImageURL & clubrs("CLUB_ICON") & """ border=""0"""
		  club_links = club_links & "alt=""" & clubrs("CLUB_NAME") & " Club"" title=""" & clubrs("CLUB_NAME") & " Club"" /></a>" & vbNewLine
		set clubrs=NOTHING
'################ Poll Mod ##############
if IsPoll = 1 then
	'Check to see if user has voted
	Voted = GetVote(Topic_ID)
end if

if mLev = 4 then
	AdminAllowed = 1
	ForumChkSkipAllowed = 1
elseif mLev = 3 then
	if chkForumModerator(Forum_ID, chkString(strDBNTUserName,"decode")) = "1" then
		AdminAllowed = 1
		ForumChkSkipAllowed = 1
		if lcase(strNoCookies) = "1" then
			AdminAllowed = 1
			ForumChkSkipAllowed = 0
			AdminAllowed = 0
			ForumChkSkipAllowed = 0
		end if
	end if
elseif lcase(strNoCookies) = "1" then
 	AdminAllowed = 1
	ForumChkSkipAllowed = 0
 	AdminAllowed = 0
	ForumChkSkipAllowed = 0
end if

if strPrivateForums = "1" and (Request.Form("Method_Type") <> "login") and (Request.Form("Method_Type") <> "logout") and ForumChkSkipAllowed = 0 then
	result = ChkForumAccess(Forum_ID, MemberID, true)
end if

Around 850, add the code shown in red:

        strSql = "SELECT C.* FROM " & strTablePrefix & "CLUB_MEMBERS M, " & strTablePrefix & "CLUBS C WHERE "
		strSql = strSql & "M.CLUB_ID=C.CLUB_ID AND M.MEMBER_ID=" & Reply_MemberID 
		strSql = strSql & " AND M.LAST_POST > '" & DateToStr(DateAdd("d",-7,strForumTimeAdjust)) & "'"
		set clubrs = my_Conn.Execute(strSql)
		rclub_links = ""
		do while not clubrs.EOF
		  rclub_links = rclub_links & "<a href=""forum.asp?FORUM_ID=" & clubrs("FORUM_ID") & """> "
		  rclub_links = rclub_links & "<img src=""" & strImageURL & clubrs("CLUB_ICON") & """ border=""0"""
		  rclub_links = rclub_links & "alt=""" & clubrs("CLUB_NAME") & " Club"" title=""" & clubrs("CLUB_NAME") & " Club"" /></a>" & vbNewLine
		set clubrs=NOTHING		
			if intI = 0 then 
				CColor = strAltForumCellColor
				CColor = strForumCellColor
			end if

			Response.Write	"              <tr>" & vbNewLine & _
					"                <td bgcolor=""" & CColor & """ valign=""top"" width=""" & strTopicWidthLeft & """"
			if lcase(strTopicNoWrapLeft) = "1" then Response.Write(" nowrap")
			Response.Write	">" & vbNewLine & _
					"                <p><font face=""" & strDefaultFontFace & """ size=""" & strDefaultFontSize & """><b><span class=""spnMessageText"">" & profileLink(ChkString(Reply_MemberName,"display"),Reply_Author) & "</span></b></font><br />" & vbNewLine
			if strShowRank = 1 or strShowRank = 3 then
				Response.Write	"                <font color=""" & strForumFontColor & """ face=""" & strDefaultFontFace & """ size=""" & strFooterFontSize & """><small>" & ChkString(getMember_Level(Reply_MemberTitle, Reply_MemberLevel, Reply_MemberPosts),"display") & "</small></font><br />" & vbNewLine
			end if
			if strShowRank = 2 or strShowRank = 3 then
				Response.Write	"                " & getStar_Level(Reply_MemberLevel, Reply_MemberPosts) & "<br />" & vbNewLine
			end if  

Around 942, add the code shown in red

			Response.Write	"                <font color=""" & strForumFontColor & """ face=""" & strDefaultFontFace & """ size=""" & strFooterFontSize & """><small>" & Reply_MemberPosts & " Posts</small></font></p>" & rclub_links & "</td>" & vbNewLine & _
					"                <td bgcolor=""" & CColor & """ height=""100%"" width=""" & strTopicWidthRight & """"
			if lcase(strTopicNoWrapRight) = "1" then Response.Write(" nowrap")
			if (AdminAllowed = 1) and (maxpages > 1) then
				Response.Write	(" colspan=""3"" ")
				Response.Write	(" colspan=""2"" ")
			end if
			Response.Write	"valign=""top""><a name=""" & Reply_ReplyID & """></a>" & vbNewLine & _
					"                  <table width=""100%"" height=""100%"" border=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""0"">" & vbNewLine & _
					"                    <tr>" & vbNewLine & _
					"                      <td valign=""top"">" & vbNewLine
			' DEM --> Start of Code altered for moderation

Don't forget to populate your FORUM_CLUBS table!

It's a wasted day if you don't spend at least part of it flying upside down.
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New Member

53 Posts

Posted - 19 November 2003 :  00:09:02  Show Profile
Cool mod... I have been thinking of adding something like this to my forum. CodeProject has something like this but it represents that they do for the community (Site Builder, Sponsor, etc).

Know I just have to find some cool icons
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Senior Member

1218 Posts

Posted - 19 November 2003 :  22:30:06  Show Profile  Send Astralis a Yahoo! Message
Cool! I've got a Reading Club my members would love to have the icon to show that they're a member of it.

Can't wait to see this!
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Junior Member

345 Posts

Posted - 19 November 2003 :  23:16:27  Show Profile
Originally posted by Astralis

Cool! I've got a Reading Club my members would love to have the icon to show that they're a member of it.

Can't wait to see this!

We have a Book Club, and use a little open book for the icon.

It's a wasted day if you don't spend at least part of it flying upside down.
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Senior Member

1218 Posts

Posted - 20 November 2003 :  00:52:20  Show Profile  Send Astralis a Yahoo! Message
Cool...the graphic isn't what I meant though, the ability to show it - what you developed - is what I look forward to using.
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Junior Member

345 Posts

Posted - 20 November 2003 :  17:22:37  Show Profile
I hope it helps your forums as much as it has ours. We have a pedometer club as part of our forums, and since we instituted the club icons, it's doubled in size. Our members LOVE awards, and we have monthly challenges with various award icons that show up next to their posts.

It's a wasted day if you don't spend at least part of it flying upside down.
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Senior Member

1218 Posts

Posted - 20 November 2003 :  20:55:35  Show Profile  Send Astralis a Yahoo! Message
I tried instituting the Awards Mod, I thought Crash was still developing it. I've been watching for a new release.
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Junior Member

345 Posts

Posted - 20 November 2003 :  21:28:14  Show Profile
I'm not familiar with Crash's work. If you mean the Member Awards Mod that I posted some time ago, perhaps I can help.

It's a wasted day if you don't spend at least part of it flying upside down.
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