Thanks, But I managed to figure that out - actually (Not totally stupid am I )
But I have to integrate it in the existing code, and that's giving me a headache.
The code is:
if IsNull(rs("T_LAST_POST_AUTHOR")) then
strLastAuthor = ""
strLastAuthor = ""
if strUseExtendedProfile then
strLastAuthor = strLastAuthor & "<a href=""forum/pop_profile.asp?mode=display&id="& rs("T_LAST_POST_AUTHOR") & """>"
strLastAuthor = strLastAuthor & "<a href=forum/pop_profile.asp?mode=display&id=" & rs("T_LAST_POST_AUTHOR") & ">"
end if
strLastAuthor = strLastAuthor & rs("LAST_POST_AUTHOR_NAME") & "</a>"
end if
currForum = rs("FORUM_ID") %>
<a href="forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=<% =rs("TOPIC_ID") %>&FORUM_ID=<% =rs("FORUM_ID") %>&CAT_ID=<% =rs("CAT_ID") %>&Topic_Title=<% =ChkString(left(rs("T_SUBJECT"), 50),"urlpath") %>&Forum_Title=<% =ChkString(rs("F_SUBJECT"),"urlpath") %>" style="text-decoration:underline"><% =ChkString(left(rs("T_SUBJECT"), 50),"display") %></a> <br>[ <%=rs("F_SUBJECT") %> ]<br>af: <%= strLastAuthor & DoLastPostLink %><hr size=1 color=white noshade>
(Of course there is alot of other code as well, but I don't think it relevant?)
And it makes something like this appear:
[Topic name]
[Forum name]
[Author/User name]
[vertical line]
(Its set so it shows five of these latest posts)
And provides with links to every topic name, and the username.
What I tried didn't work...