I am adding the photo album MOD. I have everything loaded to my forum folder and I have made the required modifications. When I click on the link to go to the photo album I get this error: Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0126'
Include file not found
/reducks87/tplforum/photo_album.asp, line 2
The include file 'inc_functions.asp' was not found.
If you would like to go to my forum to investigate you may do so here: http://www34.brinkster.com/reducks87/tplforum/default.asp Click on the link to the photo album near the bottom of the forum. If you need to login you may do so using this info: UserName: SnitzTester Pass: Snitz The funny thing about the whole thing is I cannot (on my comp or on my forum file at Brinkster) find the asp file inc_functions.asp Would someone e-mail me that file? mailto:admin@thepoultrylink.com Let me know if you need more info.
As it says above I am having a problem with photo_album.asp so would someone look at the .txt of my file to see if you can find any errors with the it? YOu can view it at: http://www.geocities.com/reducks87/snitzviewer.html Let me know what is wrong with it.
If there is any texts of the scripts you all would like to see then let me know and I can get them for you, I would really like to get this worked out.