Hey, quite interesting and unique style/colors (although you're using sh code). One thing: you might think about putting the login box in a table with another background (not transparent) - both "Username" and "Password" are hard to read.
I think you need to tone down the mods used in the forum a bit. Think about who your target audience is. If I want to use your site to plan a wedding do I really want to see the member spotlight or top posters.
I would most certainly remove the bandwidth test, believe me this is the least of my worries when trying to plan a wedding.
Other suggestions: 1. Change wording of "The Rabble" to something more wedding orientated. 2. Change the random quotes to random wedding planning tips.
Sometimes I think the serverhacker version of Snitz was the worst thing that could have happened...
In addition to the post above (I think he made some really good posts). I think you should downsize the header font sizes and change where it says "Site Portal" to something more meaningful. And definately agree with taking out the spotlight, top posters, and bandwidth test.
Other than that I think you're on the way... nice colors and once it becomes slightly simpler it'll be all set.
Edit: One thing I just notices... The hover color (the blue) in the actual forum needs to be changed, it doesn't really go with the rest of the color scheme.
Thanks for all the input!!! 'preciate the suggestions.. and I will definitely fix/change/modify as mentioned.
The site itself is pretty big and full of content.. and was wanting the forum to be the "fun" part of the site.. but all the suggestions make sense.. Some I hadn't even noticed or thot about!