Hi there,
here at work we use Snitz 3.3.05 within our Intranet site in a modified way as a simple content management system.
I experienced some strange behaviour where it comes to security.
For instance, a topic from a members only forum could be opened directly by a 'guest' without any problems.
Therefore I modified the code myself, as I couldn't find any suggestions around here.
I've now done the following, and I would like to hear from you guys (the experts), what you think of this. Maybe there are some things I completely overlooked.
BTW, we use NT security on both NTFS and the forum itself. However, we want to make a difference between 'open' topics and secure topics.
I did the following:
In config.asp :
added the following lines:
around line 90
dim strPrivateForumType
around line 300
strPrivateForumType = Application(strCookieURL & "strPrivateForumType")
In topic.asp
added the following lines:
line 127
strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_PRIVATEFORUMS, " & _
line 155
PrivateForumType = rsTopic("F_PRIVATEFORUMS")
After the following (around line 175)
if strModeration > 0 and Cat_Moderation > 0 and
Forum_Moderation > 0 and AdminAllowed = 0 then
Moderation = "Y"
Moderation = "N"
end if
add the following:
if PrivateForumType = "4" or PrivateForumType = "2" then
if mlev = 0 then
Response.write "<p align=center><font face='"
& strDefaultFontFace & "' size='" & strDefaultFontSize & "'>
<br><b>This document is only accessible to registered members</b>
<br>You need to register in order to view this document.</font></p>" &_
"<table align=center border=0><tr><td>" &_
"<font face='" & strDefaultFontFace & "' size='" & strDefaultFontSize & "'>" &_
"</font></td></tr>" &_
"</table>" &_
"<p align=center><font face='" & strDefaultFontFace & "' size='" & strHeaderFontSize & "'>
<a href='JavaScript:history.go(-1)'>Go Back</a></font></p>"
end if
end if
I think I should also include some of this code in other asp files, such as POST.ASP, FORUM.ASP, POST_INFO.ASP, but I am still working on that...
Oh yeah, btw, for those of you who say "upgrade to 3.4 so you won't have to do all of those things"; We cannot upgrade to 3.4 as long as 3.4 does not have a HTML/RTE editor....I know there are security riscs with the RTE, but we use it only in our intranet environment.