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Junior Member
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35 Posts |
Posted - 20 August 2000 : 12:49:47
This is great! Is there any way to make it send out a message to everyone who wants to be notified of a new post or new topic.
Great Job, works just great!
Junior Member
175 Posts |
Posted - 21 August 2000 : 13:35:03
It's certainly possible but why are you interested in those people specialy ?
<font color=green><b><i>Marc Valentin</i></b> </font id=green> |
Starting Member
35 Posts |
Posted - 21 August 2000 : 14:31:52
I am trying to use snitz forum for my fantasy football league messsage board, and all the owners like to know (or be reminded) that someone has posted to the board. Only 16 users, so not a huge tax of mail server.
We used to use a perl script from Matt Scripts that had a subscribe feature...I have not been able to find an asp board that has that feature though. Thanks
Junior Member
175 Posts |
Posted - 22 August 2000 : 13:08:32
Oh, I see... This is different. My mod is to give the oportunity to the administrator to mass email some or all the forum members <b>manually</b>. You, you are looking for a way to notify all members when a new post is made. Modifications to the database is needed for this, I think. Maybe you should create a new thread in the forum <b>DEV Design Requests W/O Code (v4)</b> to explain you idea.
<font color=green><b><i>Marc Valentin</i></b> </font id=green> |
Junior Member
175 Posts |
Posted - 22 August 2000 : 13:09:57
No other feedback about this client email notification add-on ???
<font color=green><b><i>Marc Valentin</i></b> </font id=green> |
Starting Member
25 Posts |
Posted - 22 August 2000 : 20:57:24
I know this one costs dollars but I can recommend Subscribe Now from (http://www/ Now if this could be integrated to the forum members list that would be a big bonus.
Peter Turnbull |
Starting Member
35 Posts |
Posted - 22 August 2000 : 21:12:01
Thanks Peter. Have to pass b/c of $$.
As for other feedback, fantastic. I have used it already, several time, perfect each time. Thanks for your efforts.
Starting Member
35 Posts |
Posted - 31 August 2000 : 15:00:23
My members are now over 20, and i just tried to email all of them with this add-on and got an error re: script timeout. Has anyone else seen this? What do i need to do to fix it?
Junior Member
175 Posts |
Posted - 31 August 2000 : 17:17:33
Try to add this line on top of the e_send_it.asp file : <% Server.ScriptTimeout = 3600 %> I found the information at this adress :
I didn't try the e_notifaction script with a lot of email yet. Maybe other users can share their experience...<img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>
<font color=green><b><i>Marc Valentin</i></b> </font id=green> |
Starting Member
35 Posts |
Posted - 01 September 2000 : 01:21:21
Thanks, that did the trick!
Starting Member
7 Posts |
Posted - 04 September 2000 : 12:55:02
Bravo Marc very useful tool. I implemented it and I will use it. 2 changes I will make when I'll get time <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle> 1- Select moderators only 2- Put all the recipients on copy instead of sending an email by recipient
Until that, I'll use your notification addon
Junior Member
175 Posts |
Posted - 04 September 2000 : 16:55:47
Fine Salim, post your code here when you are done so we can continue to add features to this mod.
Gor, are you going to put this mod in the new forum release ?
<font color=green><b><i>Marc Valentin</i></b> </font id=green> |
Access 2000 Support Moderator
3020 Posts |
Posted - 05 September 2000 : 08:06:49
I've added a post in this forum with code on how to add the capability to subscribe to a topic for those looking for that capability...
Dave Maxwell -------------- When's the next meeting of Snitzaholics Anonymous<img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle> |
Retired Admin
5511 Posts |
Posted - 05 September 2000 : 08:24:05
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote> Gor, are you going to put this mod in the new forum release ? <hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>
All in due time Marc <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle> the list of mods to add is getting longer and longer for now..... But as long as the mod is properly documented and easy to add, users can start using it as a mod right now ofcourse.
<b>Pierre Gorissen </b><img src="" border=0> <font color=purple><font size=1>A fool learns from experience... a wise man learns from others...</font id=size1></font id=purple> |
Junior Member
175 Posts |
Posted - 25 September 2000 : 08:06:27
New files in zip... I added only one more feature : Below each message sent there is a remembering with the 'User Name' and the 'Password' of the user. There is also the exact URL to let him correct or modify his profile easily. d/l :
<font color=green><b><i>Marc Valentin</i></b> </font id=green> |
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