u know how if your not logged in you can't see "new topic" or "reply to topic" well i made it so everyone can see and it just asks for you username and pass at the post page.
I tested this on snitz forums 200 ver 3.1 sr4 and i don't know if it works on anything else.
here is the zip http://www.asptools.co.uk/newtopic.zip included r the fixed topic.asp and forum.asp just overright those to files (you may want to back those 2 files up first, just in case)
Actually if you go to your control panel, under Feature Configuration there is an Non-Cookie Mode option. If you turn this off, the post buttons appear for people who are not logged in as well as a place for username and password!
Thanks for working to improve the forums though!!
Scott LeMieux Ready... Fire... Aim!! <img src="http://www.thepercussionist.com/adf/dance2.gif" border=0>
When selectin Non-Cookie Mode option all the admin options come on, I'd like to use the non-cookie mode to let people click on post and reply and then make them sign up. But how do I delete or comment out the admin functions so no-on see's this except for the admin. Please help and thank you in advance. also i'm using ver 3.1sr4