Hi, i've modified this mod a little. So you can delete all users with 0 post. You have to check "Zeige nur Mitglieder, die keine Beiträge geschrieben haben" before you can see the delete button. Sorry, this files already german. WARNING I had never enough time to finish the code, it's not ready for real use. If you press "löschen" your data will be lost. You will not be asked to confirm that action. So make a backup to play around. I know most of the code is still chaos. Maby someone with mor time can use it to make a real working function from it. Download
Has ANYONE gotten this mod modded to delete en masse? I have a TON of users and there is no way Im doing them one at a time.
Not me ... it works fine one at a time, but when I click on delete all inactive users it just seems to go through the motions. Nothing happens.
EDIT ----> Actually, now that I think about it, that is the E-mail All Inactive Users function that doesn't work on my forum. I don't think there is a mass delete option.
The CINT error. This occures at line 62 and 63. Here is the fix:
Find these two lines. intDaysOut = cint(trim(request.QueryString("intDaysOut"))) intEmailAll = cint(trim(request.QueryString("intEmailAll")))
Replace them with these lines:
' REPLACED with the next two lines. intDaysOut = cint(trim(request.QueryString("intDaysOut"))) intDaysOut = request.QueryString("intDaysOut") intDaysOut = cint(intDaysOut) ' REPLACED with the next two lines. intEmailAll = cint(trim(request.QueryString("intEmailAll"))) intEmailAll = request.QueryString("intEmailAll") intEmailAll = cint(intEmailAll)
I have installed this MOD on Snitz v.3.4.04 (Access 2002), and it seems like it works fine.
Is there a way to include the Lock Out feature in this MOD? It would be really great to have the option of locking users right from this area rather then only having the option delete.
Is there a way to include the Lock Out feature in this MOD? It would be really great to have the option of locking users right from this area rather then only having the option delete.
I use this on my site once every 2 weeks and it works great. I give them 14 days to logon, and if they have not in that time, then I remove them, then send out the next lot of reminders. When I find out who has not been on for more than 120 days, I copy it in to Outlook Calendar and set a reminder for 14 days, and if those users are still there, then I remove them.
E-mail me and I will send you the copy I have that works great.