I presume since the search pages are public info in the site they are supposed to match the rest of the site.
Right now they use the wrong colors for almost all of the links in the search listings and other places.
you have to go through and manually find a whole bunch of link calls (including the one that goes around the links to multiple pages in a multipage thread) and span all the links with <span class=""spnMessagatext""> </span>
Ive done it to mine but I dont know if I got them all so please check your code for the 02 release..
Why do I feel like I am performing a major public service by having really screwy forum colors.
I only found 2 places in search.asp where the <span class=""spnMessageText""></span> had to be added. The first was where the link to the topic was displayed, and the second was in the TopicPaging Sub. moderate.asp was similar.