I should also add that everyone installing this as of last night should go into Private Message Maintenance and set a Max PM # and also turn PMs "on" otherwise PMs will be "off"
next '## Next Forum end if next '## Next Category end if <% if strPMStatus = "1" then %> <!--#INCLUDE FILE="privatemess.asp"--> <% end if if strShowStatistics = "1" then WriteStatistics end if Response.Write " </table>" & vbNewline & _
quote:I should also add that everyone installing this as of last night should go into Private Message Maintenance and set a Max PM # and also turn PMs "on" otherwise PMs will be "off"
quote:I can't get in to the site at all now. So wherever PM Maintenance is / was isn't really relevant.
Did I possibly do something wrong?
What errors, if any, do you get when you try to access your site? If it's a DNS error then you probably just have to wait. ASP errors can be looked into.