Starting Member
47 Posts |
Posted - 28 December 2000 : 19:51:30
I installed smile mod in snitz 3.1 sr4, and it works fine at first until i added one extra smiley (no. 27), file pop_icon_legend.asp and faq.asp doesn't display the new icon.
I checked both files and found that just before the code that state second page (drs.PageSize = strCount2)
<table border="0" align="center"> <% strTempCount = 0 strsql = "Select smile_name, smile_url, smile_code from "&strTablePrefix&"smiles" Set drs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") drs.open strsql, my_conn, 3 <b>drs.PageSize = strCount2</b> drs.AbsolutePage = 2 Do until strTempCount = strCount2 smile_name = drs("smile_name") smile_url = drs("smile_url") smile_code = drs("smile_code") bla blabla
just change the line <b>drs.PageSize = strCount1</b> to <b>drs.PageSize = strCount2</b>
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