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 MOD: Forum Categories (+ category only views)
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work mule
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1358 Posts

Posted - 18 December 2000 :  03:38:20  Show Profile
I was looking for a way to present a overview of the forum categories without the list of forums. I also wanted a category page which I could link to where I could display the forums for one specific category at a time.

My first attempt was with the v3.1 SR2 Final code, a demo of which can be seen at

I downloaded the files for v3.1 SR3 Final, which was just released, and have made the modifications that will allow a similar functionality as you'll see at the above link.

There are two versions.

Category List w/o Descriptions (Right Click on link and choose "Save Target As...")
Posted: 18 Dec 2000

Category List w/ Descriptions (Right Click on link and choose "Save Target As...")
Posted: 18 Dec 2000 - Updated: 19 Dec 2000

The difference between the two is the Forum Category Description that appears below the Category Name. To include a Category Description requires adding a field to the Category table and updating the post.asp & post_info.asp files (which are included in the w/Description zip).

The cool thing is that the one file "default_category.asp" doesn't necessarily have to replace the original default.asp page. You could use both if you want to provide different views of your forum. It's up to you.

The default_category.asp page also provides a statistical overview of your site....the # of forums, topics, posts, and last post information for each forum category.

My SR2 version worked in SQL Server 7.0, this version I built and tested against Access 2000, so I'm pretty confident that it'll work in either db, but I honestly don't know about MySQL.

Edited by - work mule on 20 December 2000 04:00:10

Snitz Forums Admin

16655 Posts

Posted - 18 December 2000 :  04:07:42  Show Profile
Excellent mod!

Especially since you don't have to modify anything to use it.. (unless you want the category descriptions)
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Posted - 19 December 2000 :  02:05:08  Show Profile  Visit Maxwell's Homepage
Excellent mod and exactly what I was looking for.

This should help those who are looking to have the same user community be able to interact with as much or as little of the boards as possible. i.e., if you had a newspaper site, a user who follows sports could just visit sports related forums and not have to filter through the other forums, or if the same user wanted to he could visit the money section and post under the same identity.

It would be nice if future versions of Snitz allowed for the admin to choose between the current view, the opening and closing forums, and this one, since any one may be required to fit a particular use.

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515 Posts

Posted - 19 December 2000 :  13:43:52  Show Profile
I love this MOD to, but I have one problem. How do I edit the db file to add the Modifications to it?

I had to convert it to an Access 2000 db first because it would not save the changes. I managed to add the field name CAT_DESCRIPTION to FORUM_CATEGORY, and under "Data Type" selected Text but where do I add these -> 255 - Null = Yes

I am clueless when it comes to this.

It 1/2 works for me right now and i'm sure when I figure out how to edit the db file the other 1/2 will find it's way home.

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work mule
Senior Member

1358 Posts

Posted - 19 December 2000 :  14:05:57  Show Profile

I had to convert it to an Access 2000 db first because it would not save the changes. I managed to add the field name CAT_DESCRIPTION to FORUM_CATEGORY, and under "Data Type" selected Text but where do I add these -> 255 - Null = Yes the design screen for the FORUM_CATEGORY, when you click on the CAT_DESCRIPTION row/field name, you will see the bottom half of the screen change. Down there you should see two tabs. You want the General tab to the front. Next to "Field Size" you'd change the current value to 255. Other changes you should make there are:
"Required" you should change it to NO.
"Allow Zero Length" - Yes.

Hopefully that's what you'll need for the other 1/2, if not, let me know.

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515 Posts

Posted - 19 December 2000 :  14:31:46  Show Profile
Thanks for the quick response work mule

I did what you said, and it still does not work. If you go to edit a Forum Category, the description box is filled in with alot of HTML .etc......

Also, when you step down into different levels, there is no option to go back up levels, only to return to "All Forums"

I'm sure I have it all right and I replaced all the files, edited the db. I'm using V3_1_SR3_final and it is a fresh setup on my puter here. I do the testing here before putting it up to my website.


Edited by - Intrepidone on 20 December 2000 03:39:33
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work mule
Senior Member

1358 Posts

Posted - 19 December 2000 :  16:15:10  Show Profile
I did what you said, and it still does not work. If you go to edit a Forum Category, the description box is filled in with alot of HTML .etc......

Oops...I know what it is.

If you look at Line 676 of post.asp that was in the zip file...

<td bgColor="<% =strPopUpTableColor %>"><textarea cols="<%=intCols %>" name="Description" rows="<%=intRows %>" maxlength="255" wrap="VIRTUAL"><% =Trim(CleanCode(TxtMsg))%></textarea><br></td>

Replace with...

<td bgColor="<% =strPopUpTableColor %>"><textarea cols="<%=intCols %>" name="Description" rows="<%=intRows %>" maxlength="255" wrap="VIRTUAL"><% If (TxtMsg <> "") Then Trim(CleanCode(TxtMsg))%></textarea><br></td>

It'll work. The CleanCode function I think didn't like Null values.

I'll get the zip file updated soon.

Also, when you step down into different levels, there is no option to go back up levels, only to return to "All Forums"

I'll get you the code for the forum and topic pages to do this.

Edited by - work mule on 19 December 2000 16:18:30
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work mule
Senior Member

1358 Posts

Posted - 19 December 2000 :  16:29:13  Show Profile
The zip file has been updated.
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Average Member

515 Posts

Posted - 19 December 2000 :  17:22:36  Show Profile
Thanks work mule.

That change you did fixed it, BUT ... there's always a But isn't there....

It all works, except you still cannot go up the directory tree from Forums below "All Forums" Your only option is to click on "All Forums", you cannot go back up one level to get back into your Forum.

I d-loaded your new files, put them in and had to edit line 676 in Post.asp again. Maybe you forgot to update the files in (The one I downloaded)

If you want you can connect to my puter again and check it out.

Thanks for your help. I know NOTHING about ASP but i'll take a peek around and see what I can break


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work mule
Senior Member

1358 Posts

Posted - 19 December 2000 :  18:32:55  Show Profile
I d-loaded your new files, put them in and had to edit line 676 in Post.asp again. Maybe you forgot to update the files in (The one I downloaded)

It's my STUPID ISP!! I noticed this recently with something else, but I didn't think it would happen with zip files. They appear to cache a lot of stuff and it takes a long time to get updates to appear. I ftp'd back in to check that the file was updated.

I'll have to look for another place to start storing files.

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Average Member

515 Posts

Posted - 19 December 2000 :  18:44:23  Show Profile
I'll see if I can figure anything on my end right now, and if not, I'll wait for you to upload the new .zip files

Will these files contain the corrections needed so you can go back up the directory tree?

Thanks alot work mule. I really like this MOD. I mostly want it so I can have Weblinks off of the main forum. I may have anywhere from 30 -50 Weblinks in the future and to have all of them on the main forum it would take forever to scroll through everything, plus with the forum categories. This way I can make a Category lets say "Manufacturers" and have all the weblinks in this Forum off the main page.

I appreciate your help


If ya hear a KA-BOOM It's not a nuclear war, it'll just be me up here in Canada playing with the forum trying to figure out ASP
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work mule
Senior Member

1358 Posts

Posted - 20 December 2000 :  04:01:32  Show Profile
Okay, I've updated the links in my initial post. The files are current.

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Vatican City
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Posted - 23 December 2000 :  00:48:26  Show Profile  Visit frankie's Homepage  Send frankie an AOL message  Send frankie an ICQ Message  Send frankie a Yahoo! Message
Work Mule,

Please tell me can you give a user the choice to select a certain category when they log on, and if they don't they still see all categories. And can you tell me please if they could reverse that action from the default_category page in case they want to see the whole thing next time they logon instead of that selected category. Would this mod do that for me?!!

Thanks for your concern in this matter

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New Member

66 Posts

Posted - 25 December 2000 :  06:12:33  Show Profile  Send KXS an ICQ Message
Kewl mod, I got it work using access 2k, but with Sql 7.0, when I add the new field, and give the status to "text", it automatically limits it to 16. Is there a way around this? I'm new to MS SQL 7.0..., also is there anything different that I may need to do with SQL 7.0 to get this mod to work?

This is the error I get:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The text, ntext, and image data types cannot be compared or sorted, except when using IS NULL or LIKE operator.

/forum/default_category.asp, line 98

-----last update:

I got it work fine, instead of adding TEXT, you have to add "nvarchar", and make it 255 which can be done...

my problem solve, I will leave this up here if anyone runs into a simular prob.


"keeping it real"

Edited by - KXS on 25 December 2000 06:30:16

Edited by - KXS on 25 December 2000 06:39:40
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Junior Member

344 Posts

Posted - 26 December 2000 :  13:11:42  Show Profile
Work Mule,

Great Mod, your demo really look clean and pro! do you have a download, updated for v3.1sr2 (access2k)?

snitz ver3.1 sr2
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Junior Member

344 Posts

Posted - 28 December 2000 :  23:36:53  Show Profile

I just need a copy of post.asp and post_info.asp ver3.1 sr2! so that I stop getting the "invalid username or password".


snitz ver3.1 sr2
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