Hi. About Avatar Mod , my avatars always sized at 64x64 or 100x100 so many of them(ex: 100x30) are looking bad... Can display the Avatar at their original size ? Thanks.
the best way of doing this is to have the avatars uploaded to your server. then you can executed a function that will proportionally resize them. This can be done using the Avatar Upload Mod which can be found here:
u can add more select option in admin_avatar_settings.asp(about line.130)
<select name="AvatarHSize" size=1> <option value=32<% if rs("A_HSIZE") = "32" then Response.Write(" selected") %>>32</option> <option value=48<% if rs("A_HSIZE") = "48" then Response.Write(" selected") %>>48</option> <option value=64<% if rs("A_HSIZE") = "64" then Response.Write(" selected") %>>64</option> <option value=100<% if rs("A_HSIZE") = "100" then Response.Write(" selected") %>>100</option> </select></font></td> <td><font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strDefaultFontSize %>"><b>X</b></td> <td> <font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strDefaultFontSize %>"> <select name="AvatarWSize" size=1> <option value=30<% if rs("A_WSIZE") = "30" then Response.Write(" selected") %>>30</option> <option value=32<% if rs("A_WSIZE") = "32" then Response.Write(" selected") %>>32</option> <option value=48<% if rs("A_WSIZE") = "48" then Response.Write(" selected") %>>48</option> <option value=64<% if rs("A_WSIZE") = "64" then Response.Write(" selected") %>>64</option>
but it also not a good way, if the Avatar image size not constant..
and maybe u can try this alternative method... "just restrict the width OR height in Avatar img tag"
for example, in topic.asp <img src="<% =rsTopic("M_AVATAR_URL") %>" align="absmiddle" width=<% =rsav("A_WSIZE") %> height=<% =rsav("A_HSIZE") %> border=<% =rsav("A_BORDER") %> hspace="0" ><% set rsav = nothing %><% end if %> Remove above line the red color section..
but this way.. if u set A_WSIZE=64, the 30x100 will show 64x213
otherwise, as Dayve show u.. i know there are a javascript can auto proportionalize the image size in Avatar Upload Mod (but i hav'nt try this..so i'm not sure what it done ?). maybe u also want to try this too.