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 How to used Unicode in Snitz forum
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Posted - 17 June 2002 :  09:36:00  Show Profile  Visit Longnt06k's Homepage  Send Longnt06k a Yahoo! Message
How to used Unicode in Snitz forum ???


593 Posts

Posted - 18 June 2002 :  23:19:22  Show Profile
Depending on what you'd like to do...your questions can be answered differently, I think. But if it can be of a general help regarding unicode based Snitz, please go to:

Also, there are existing topics in DEV: Internationalization (V4.x) regarding Forum deployment on unicode. Plz do some search...

There are also some existing V4.x forums deployed in unicode (UTF8). If you like to take a look at one, you can visit a demo/semi production forum with English, Japanese, Simplified and Traditional Chinese deployed with unicode (UTF-8). References/Resources available there for issues related to HTML, ISO, Unicode, etc.

If you can be more specific, perhaps, I will try to direct you a proper approach.

You can take a look at: i2AsiaFORUM

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593 Posts

Posted - 20 June 2002 :  00:18:10  Show Profile
Hi again,

I am confirming that you can use unicode with Snitz Forum with either V3.3.0x/05 or V4.x (try the latest for either versions).

I have now 2 different forums running on V4.x and V3.3.05, both in utf-8/unicode format:
(1) V4.x unicode based forum: one with V4b03.004 with 4 language packs enabled (lang1033: English_US, default, Lang1041:Japanese, Lang1028: Traditional Chinese, and Lang2052:Simplified Chinese)
(2) V3.3.05 unicode based forum: English (1033) is a base single language (which means Forum prompt, UI, FAQ, pop_up Help, etc. etc. will remain in English, but Forum categories, topics, etc. can be of any languages, pretty much.

In general, an approach using unicode is mentioned at

But for V3.305, you need to change one thing in
admin_forums.asp around Ln44, immediately below <!-- Include..... --> statements:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

to set a default/base encoding format of HTML to unicode (UTF-8).

Forum installed will be in English_US, however, you can accommodate various language topics simultaneously rendered correctly (show up properly in any language) However, as a default, Forum is set in Left to Right direction, languages such as Arabic and Hebrew many not properly appear directionally - although they show up properly in their respective characters (tested).

So, again, it appears up to your "design" choice for a forum, if you are to apply unicode setting for Snitz Forums.

Again, you should note that it's depending on a browser encoding format to render properly in a web page, so if Forum is set to utf-8, a browser encoding should be set to "Unicode (UTF-8)". (IE and NEtscape may render slightly different for different charsets and fonts). For any locale language, you have to set a proper browser encoding format to view it properly and a browser needs to have respective fonds loaded. But, with unicode (utf-8), you don't have to switch encoding formats, as it covers pretty much any langauges... thus viewable in all different languages in V3.3.05 Forum, if based on UTF-8 encoding format.

Hope this helps.

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