As the subject says, I know it's really basic but my ASP skills seriously lack in this case (and most other cases) so I hope someone is willing to help me out here.
What I want to do: Create a page with a table where certain information is displayed. Like this:
|Title | | |
|Title of the movie | img1 | img2 |
|Title of the movie | img1 | img2 |
|Title of the movie | img1 | img2 |
|Title of the movie | img1 | img2 |
|Title of the movie | img1 | img2 |
What I can't do: I don't know how to get the rows filled up with the correct information so people can go to the sub-page (done by clicking on the title or img1) or to the movie's page on (by clicking on img2).
What I have: This is what I use to get the information from the database (database connection is independant of the forums and it's strConnString is defined):
set Dvds_Manager = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") ' Creates the RecordSet
Dvds_Manager.ActiveConnection = My_strConnString
Dvds_Manager.CursorType = 0 'adOpenForwardOnly
Dvds_Manager.CursorLocation = 2 ' adUseServer
Dvds_Manager.LockType = 3 ' adLockOptimistic
strThisDvdId = Dvds_Manager("DVDID")
strThisTitle = Dvds_Manager("TITLE")
strThisSite = Dvds_Manager("SITE")
Can anyone tell me how I can get the information in a neat table? I'm not 100% sure about the line in red, but it should work as I only need those three fields called. The other fields are used on the sub page.
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