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 Select Case statement
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Development Team Member

12217 Posts

Posted - 02 May 2002 :  02:19:01  Show Profile
I am doing a loop through some records. And in that loop, I check the percentage of how many records it has processed using a Select Case statement.
for counter = 0 to TotalRecs
Select Case FormatNumber(counter/TotalRecs*100,0)
Case 10
   Response.Write "."
Case 20
   Response.Write "."
Case ...
End Select
Now I want each Case execute depending on the range. So if the percentage is less than 10, execute that case. But somehow how I can't get a range using the select statement. I have tried the following variations but it won't work, just gives me an error:
Case 1 To 10
   Response.Write "."
Case 11 To 20
   Response.Write "."
Case Is < 10
   Response.Write "."
Case Is < 20
   Response.Write "."
The only thing that works is this:
Case 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
   Response.Write "."
Case 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
   Response.Write "."
Anyone know if it is possible to do a range using the select statement?

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Development Team Member

12217 Posts

Posted - 02 May 2002 :  02:25:09  Show Profile
Nevermind, I'll use an if else statement instead.

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Help Moderator

7664 Posts

Posted - 02 May 2002 :  02:31:05  Show Profile  Visit Nathan's Homepage
for counter = 0 to TotalRecs
Select Case FormatNumber(counter/TotalRecs*10,0)
Case 1
Response.Write "."
Case 2
Response.Write "."
End Select

Nathan Bales
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work mule
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1358 Posts

Posted - 03 May 2002 :  21:19:22  Show Profile
Try this...

dim intMyVar
for counter = 0 to TotalRecs
intMyVar = FormatNumber(counter/TotalRecs*100,0)
Select Case TRUE
Case (intMyVar <= 10)
    Response.Write "."
Case (intMyVar <= 20)
    Response.Write "."
Case ...
End Select

With Select Case in VBScript, once it hits a case where it's TRUE, then it executes whatever code is there and then drops out of the select statement.

If you had something like 10.1, that would not make the first case true, but would make the second case true. So if you wanted to reuse that % value in your code, but wanted to display the 1,2 or more decimal positions, you could set FormatNumber(counter/TotalRecs*100,2) one time and use it for your select statement and any code inside that case.

If you wanted to have 10.1, but wanted to include anything under 11 as part of the first case, then just look for everything < 11.

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work mule
Senior Member

1358 Posts

Posted - 03 May 2002 :  23:01:26  Show Profile

Nevermind, I'll use an if else statement instead.

Select Case is more efficient.

I'd say always, but someone would probably come and give an instance when it's not so I won't.

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Development Team Member

12217 Posts

Posted - 04 May 2002 :  10:07:00  Show Profile
Thanks Workmule.
And Nathan.

I agree with you that a Select Case would be more efficient. But that's just our opinion.

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Doug G
Support Moderator

6493 Posts

Posted - 04 May 2002 :  12:37:33  Show Profile
Select Case is usually a little faster than If Then because the expression is only evaluated once.

But when you use the syntax above, you're still evaluating an expression on each test, so I'll go out on a limb and guess that in the select case above there would be no difference in execution speed over an If Then

Doug G
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