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Junior Member

347 Posts

Posted - 15 April 2002 :  21:37:47  Show Profile  Visit ROB's Homepage  Send ROB an AOL message  Send ROB an ICQ Message  Send ROB a Yahoo! Message
I've reformatted the look of the active users include in my forum index to suit my tastes, and had a couple observations:
  1. More than ever, I hate response.write! - Makes simple formatting changes much more work. I've heard (but can't confirm) that depending on what version of IIS you're running, response.write is actually slower. Ah well.
  2. Language files = formatting headaches - Unless you run things as-is, or support other (or multiple) languages, changing the text is a real pain. Yes, simple text changes are easy, but if you want to change the sentence structure, blech!

I like the new functionality, kudos to Nathan and the beta testers! I just dread upgrading to 3.4...

Jeff Hester
Absolutely everything about Instant Messaging & Chat

Snitz Forums Admin

16655 Posts

Posted - 15 April 2002 :  21:47:23  Show Profile
Hey, you copied my design... (just kidding)

Actually, we both copied phpBB2's design.. Here is how I did mine:

I have tested the Active Users v4.0 on v3.4, and it only requires a few modifications for it to work.

Response.Write is your friend I find it so much easier to work with.

I agree about the language files, I'll probably put all of the text back into the files instead of the separate language file.
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Junior Member

347 Posts

Posted - 15 April 2002 :  22:20:21  Show Profile  Visit ROB's Homepage  Send ROB an AOL message  Send ROB an ICQ Message  Send ROB a Yahoo! Message
Yeah, I just like the sentence structure better. Less symbols and more friendly in my opinion.

Maybe I'll get used to response.write someday, but that day is not today.

Jeff Hester
Absolutely everything about Instant Messaging & Chat
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7664 Posts

Posted - 15 April 2002 :  22:21:27  Show Profile  Visit Nathan's Homepage
Also watchout, that getStrings method makes it difficult to tell which record is which in the record sources.

I like response.write

I removed the sentence structure to make it easier to translate.

Nathan Bales
Snitz Exchange | Do's and Dont's

Edited by - Nathan on 15 April 2002 22:22:57
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