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Junior Member

199 Posts

Posted - 14 April 2002 :  10:54:32  Show Profile
I downloaded the Sticky Topic Mod fmro the Snitz Exchange and followed the directions for implementing it yet whenever I try to go to forum.asp I get the following error:
Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E14)
Syntax error in ORDER BY clause.
/iceforums/forum.asp, line 250

I know that this has to be in the code I added, but I am not sure where in that code the problem lies.

I am using IIS 5.0 and MS Access DB. (note: I have currently restored he original files while I try to find an answer)


Junior Member

199 Posts

Posted - 14 April 2002 :  18:48:51  Show Profile
Please help me with this... Everytime I try to get it working, I get the error above, and I have no idea why....

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7664 Posts

Posted - 14 April 2002 :  19:06:57  Show Profile  Visit Nathan's Homepage
Can you post lines 240-250 of forum.asp

Nathan Bales
Snitz Exchange | Do's and Dont's
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Junior Member

199 Posts

Posted - 14 April 2002 :  23:53:40  Show Profile

Can you post lines 240-250 of forum.asp

Nathan Bales
Snitz Exchange | Do's and Dont's

I figured it out....

It was a DEU (Defective End User = me) problem... In the instructions it said to replace the one line of code with the new block of code, and dummy me just placed it right beneath the old code..... excuse me while I go bang my head against the wall for a couple of hours....

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