Ok, the below is an array, that verifies that a string is not empty - I have double and triple checked the variable names versus the array entries, and they are all ok, all of the form data IS submitted, yet it is still returning true - any help?
Dim t_validate1(8)
t_validate1(0) = Trim(t_sitename)
t_validate1(1) = Trim(t_siteurl)
t_validate1(2) = Trim(t_imageurl)
t_validate1(3) = Trim(t_yname)
t_validate1(4) = Trim(t_email)
t_validate1(5) = Trim(t_desc)
t_validate1(6) = Trim(t_pass1)
t_validate1(7) = Trim(t_pass2)
Dim I
For I=0 to 8
if t_validate1(I) = "" then
t_error = "true"
end if
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