One thing I found that needed to be fixed, is the lines of code you put into your form.asp file you need to add the table prefix to the table before you excute it.
There are two lines...
SQL = "UPDATE " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM_ONLINE SET M_BROWSE = '" & OnlineLocation & "' , DateCreated = '" & Date & "' WHERE UserID = '" & User & "'"
SQL = "DELETE FROM " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM_ONLINE WHERE CheckedIn < '" & TimedOut & "'"
Ops Sorry, I forgot to take out one part...remove whats in bold. This way it will go along with every other table. I am writting a better script, in my opinion and it should be done in 30 mins to an hour. :O) will post it when its done.
SQL = "DELETE FROM " & strTablePrefix & "<b>FORUM_</b>ONLINE WHERE CheckedIn < '" & TimedOut & "'"
change to
SQL = "DELETE FROM " & strTablePrefix & "ONLINE WHERE CheckedIn < '" & TimedOut & "'"