There was discussion somewhere in here, Dont remember where, about adding the extra table so the access lists would not crash out when they became too long and setting them would be in the two box format.. this was to go into the next release but no one will say when this release will occur.. is there a Mod out there which will create these changes. My access lists have already caused this error because they are too long for the textbox, thus causing me to be unable to grant access to members on certain forum areas.
Come on DA, chawk it up.. I know you have it *grin*
*nod* I know of the beta, but as it says.. DO NOT use for production.. is there any idea of when the beta will go gold and give us a new stable SR or full version to use?
I hope to be able to release a non-beta Service Release by the end of this weekend. Note: that will have the new memberlist thing, and for the rest about all the currently open bugs, no other new features.
<b>Pierre Gorissen</b>
<font color=blue><font size=1>If I only had a little humility, I would be perfect.</font id=blue></font id=size1> <font size=1><font color=black>Ted Turner</font id=size1></font id=black>