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15 Posts

Posted - 26 July 2001 :  21:56:15  Show Profile
Ever wonder how they do that, having a small moving menu on the left of the page without using a framed-site. Here's how.

First of all thank these people for creating and telling you how to use it, I simply gathered it all here for you to read, once I figured it out within minutes I was making the menu work for my Forum. (On display soon)

Or just read this....

Go to and download the file "". or click this link:
Extract the files in it to your "Inetpub\wwwroot\\...Forum... directory.

It should produce two files: (both in your Forum directory)

Now open your favorite text editor (for example textpad:, as long as will not change your asp-files... so no frontpage...

Open the file called "inc_top.asp".

In this file look for a line with the following text in it: {background: <% = strPopUpTableColor %>; color:#000000}

the whole section reads:

<style type=text/css>
a:link {color:<% =strLinkColor %>;text-decoration:<% =strLinkTextDecoration %>}
a:visited {color:<% =strVisitedLinkColor %>;text-decoration:<% =strVisitedTextDecoration %>}
a:hover {color:<% =strHoverFontColor %>;text-decoration:<% =strHoverTextDecoration %>} {background: <% = strPopUpTableColor %>; color:#000000}

Now after the last ">" , or more exact after "</style>"put the following code:
just copy and past it!!

...copy just the text between the dotted lines.....

A.ssmItems:link {color:black;text-decoration:none;}
A.ssmItems:hover {color:black;text-decoration:none;}
A.ssmItems:active {color:black;text-decoration:none;}
A.ssmItems:visited {color:black;text-decoration:none;}

<SCRIPT SRC="ssm.js" language="JavaScript1.2">

//Dynamic-FX slide in menu v6.5 (By maXimus,
//For full source, and 100's more DHTML scripts, visit


<SCRIPT SRC="ssmItems.js" language="JavaScript1.2"></SCRIPT>

When you look at the code for the inc_top.asp, this just copied code should be followed by the </head> words.

Now save the "inc_top.asp" file. Make sure your web-server and sql-server are running. Open your internet Browser and check it out.


Edited by - motivations on 26 July 2001 21:57:05
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