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4 Posts

Posted - 05 July 2001 :  09:47:45  Show Profile
I posted this problem on another message but haven't received a response and really really need some suggestions.

A user brought this to my attention and I didn't worry about it too much hoping it would clear up on its own, but now I can't do admin functions from the front end and that is a real problem.

Nutshell: I type in id and pass, click login. Screen shows "login successful". screen refreshes back to whichever forum and the text fields are back up there and i am not logged in anymore. admin option link is not there.

so, is this an iis issue, sql server issue, ram issue or something else? the DB has oodles of space allotted (using about 10 megs of 120 so that isn't the problem). This isn't a browser issue because i have checked through and turned off my cookie eater proxy. So, it is able to receive the cookie. i just don't think it is being set correctly.

Development Team Member

12217 Posts

Posted - 05 July 2001 :  11:53:10  Show Profile
Have you tried deleting your cookies?
What do you have set for the "Set Cookies To:" option in your admin options?
Is it Forum or Website?

Can you provide a link to your forum.

- David
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Starting Member

4 Posts

Posted - 05 July 2001 :  12:12:58  Show Profile

Have you tried deleting your cookies?
What do you have set for the "Set Cookies To:" option in your admin options?
Is it Forum or Website?

Can you provide a link to your forum.

- David

Yes. Deleting cookies worked today. In NT I found some forum cookies outside of my profile directory, I am pretty sure in default user, although that may be unrelated.

It is set to website.

Now, other users have this problem. Unfortunately, the other users are on a sort of kiosk and can't delete their cookies or cache etc. Is there another way to fix it for them. Can i set something on one of the webpages to expire all cookies and delete them?

Sorry, I can't supply a link because it is on an intranet.


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