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 High Availability, Backups, Redundancy, yadayada..
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Posted - 30 June 2001 :  17:25:19  Show Profile  Visit Jeepaholic's Homepage
<<ackpht>> I just realized this has nothing do to with ASP coding, and I put this in the non-forum ASP help forum. Please move this to it's appropriate location. THanks!

Hey there. Got some questions, looking for experience that everyone's had regarding backups and redundancy.

I'm running a Win2k server and SQL2k (I may run two redundant servers if needed). I have a number of databases (some in Access2k) and ASP pages, as well as a number of different websites that are being managed by other people.

I'm looking to get the following:
1) Solid, quickly usable and recoverable backups
2) Potential redundancy if one server dies

Obviously, I could use the basic MS Backup system and some scripting to make backups of appropriate files (still have to go through a rebuild post-disaster). Or, I could mirror a drive (doesn't help when the drive gets corrupted though).

A friend has mentioned software such as Octopus and DoubleTake. Seems like they have some cool features, but not sure of their functionality though.

None-the-less, I'm looking for complete open-ended discussion on what kind of options are out there, and/or what you've done or are currently doing for redundancy and backup solutions.

Thanks for the input!

Al Bsharah
Jeepaholics Anonymous

Edited by - Jeepaholic on 30 June 2001 17:27:19

Doug G
Support Moderator

6493 Posts

Posted - 30 June 2001 :  21:23:16  Show Profile
Here are some ideas for you.

You should have two servers maintaining your user database. In NT it meant having a primary and one or more secondary domain controllers. With AD there is probably some similar mechanism that provides redundancy with the directory.

If you have network users with login scripts the scripts should be replicated between servers.


Use two SQL servers and replicate the database(s). Keep your SQL log files separate from your SQL database files.

I hear there are some good failover software systems that can shadow a complete server and switch over to it if the primary fails.

I have had the luxury of working with small businesses, so I don't have that much practical experience on failsafe systems. Talk to a webmaster of a good web host and I'm sure they'll have a lot more suggestions.

Doug G
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