I am looking for a Access Database utility that will allow me to extract all valid information from one access database to another one .. Telling me to use MS Access, is not the answer .. cause I know that one .. Is there such a utility availabel in the FREE category or even in SHAREWARE.
Hmmm so to repair my db file I either buy access (can't get it without the rest of office so thats not an option) or throw the forum away .. asking the forum members to put up with yet another buggy BB .. guess my alternative is to go and buy UBB . Oh well , ya gets what ya pays for ..
starting to foam at the mouth - gets ready to be tarred and feathered for introducing, another almost ready forum to his group .. chanting why me why me ............
It seems to have a bunch of duplicate entries, I'm not sure how they got there .. I sent it to HUWr, cause I am using his version of snitz . . he suggested removing dups in the FORUMS_MOD table or something to trhat effect and I have been trying to find a way to do that .. Maybe I am just confused .. easy enuff to do these days .. confuse me that is .. its about a 1/2 meg in size or so and growing every day ..
the members don't say much but they do say alot ..