This code will hide the member list from everyone but the Admin of the forum. Don't know if that's what you're looking for.
At the top of members.asp, look for this code and add the line in red
'## PO Box 200
'## Harpswell, ME 04079
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="config.asp" -->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="inc_functions.asp" -->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="inc_top.asp" -->
if mLev = 4 then
mypage = request("whichpage")
if mypage = "" then
mypage = 1
end if
Then, at the bottom of the file, right above the include for the footer.asp file, add this code that's in red:
Response.Write "Only The Forum Administrator Can View The Member List"
End If
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="inc_footer.asp" -->
sub Paging()
if maxpages > 1 then
if Request.QueryString("whichpage") = "" then
sPageNumber = 1
You can change the message to whatever you wish.
<-- Eric -->
Edited by - e3stone on 12 June 2001 21:09:04