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Starting Member

47 Posts

Posted - 30 May 2001 :  20:19:54  Show Profile
I keep getting an error message on my snitz forum. The problem arises when I try to post, or when I try to update some admin options. I've been able to post once, and that's it, every other time, I get this error. It looks like this:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'f:\0D0\\web\other\tools\db\snitz_forums_2000.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

/other/inc_top.asp, line 42

is this a problem with the db?

Snitz Forums Admin

16655 Posts

Posted - 30 May 2001 :  21:00:11  Show Profile
This usually indicates that the Database might be opened in Microsoft Access by someone.
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Starting Member

47 Posts

Posted - 31 May 2001 :  01:38:08  Show Profile
I could understand that... but no one else even knows the db is there...

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Snitz Forums Admin

16655 Posts

Posted - 31 May 2001 :  01:53:05  Show Profile
I was just able to register and post on your forum. Can you check and see if you are still getting that error?
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Starting Member

47 Posts

Posted - 31 May 2001 :  02:11:13  Show Profile
I had just noticed that you posted... I'll update you in just a second...

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Starting Member

47 Posts

Posted - 31 May 2001 :  02:17:14  Show Profile

still getting the same error... I dunno what's up with that... got the error under both names (webmaster and admin)

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Starting Member

47 Posts

Posted - 31 May 2001 :  03:12:01  Show Profile
NN6 worked, but for some reason, IE doesn't... I tried removing all the cookies just because, but that didn't work... I dunno what to do...

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Starting Member

47 Posts

Posted - 31 May 2001 :  03:53:04  Show Profile
well richard... i got it working... changed to a DSN connection rather than a DSN-less... dunno why that did it, but it worked...

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4116 Posts

Posted - 04 June 2001 :  17:09:45  Show Profile
You may like to check the info in this MS knowledgebase article:

which states:


Error Message
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005' [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access 97 Driver] The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '(unknown)'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.
This error may occur if the account being used by Internet Information Server (IIS), (usually IUSR), does not have the correct Windows NT permissions for a file-based database or for the folder containing the file.

Check the permissions on the file and the folder. Make sure that you have the ability to create and/or destroy any temporary files. Temporary files are usually created in the same folder as the database, but the file may also be created in other folders such as /Winnt.

Use the Windows NT File Monitor to check for file access failures. Windows NT File Monitor is available from the following Web site:

If you use a network path to the database (UNC or mapped drive), check the permissions on the share, the file, and the folder.

Check to make sure that the file and the data source name (DSN) are not marked as Exclusive.

Simplify. Use a System DSN that uses a local drive letter. Move the database to the local drive if necessary to test.

The "other user" might be Visual InterDev. Close any Visual InterDev projects that contain a data connection to the database.

The error may be caused by a delegation issue. Check the authentication method (Basic versus NTLM) if any. If the connection string uses the Universal Naming Convention (UNC), try using Basic Authentication or an absolute path such as C:\Mydata\Data.mdb. This may happen even if the UNC points to a resource local to the IIS computer.

This error may also occur when accessing a local Microsoft Access database linked to a table where the table is in an Access database on a network server. In this situation, please refer to the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base for a workaround:
Q189408 PRB: ASP Fails to Access Network Files Under IIS 4.0

Think Pink
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