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Posted - 27 May 2001 :  14:33:44  Show Profile
I installed Snitz to a directory called Discussion. I put the admin files in discussion/admin. I moved the three *.inc files to the root, put the .mdb into my Perl\bin directory (assuming the permissions there would be appropriate, which I think they are). I edited to include the line

ConnString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=e:\perl\bin\ubbs.mdb"

(I really don't know if this is the appropriate syntax or not.)

So question: NOW what do I do? If I try to open /discussion/forum I get an error that (with 'friendly' error messages turned off) simply says Error. If I try to open /discussion/admin/forum.asp I get

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0126'
Include file not found
/discussion/admin/forum.asp, line 41
The include file '' was not found.

I can open /discussion/admin/content.htm, but when I click on Add Forum I get

Include file not found
/discussion/admin/add.asp, line 1
The include file '../' was not found.

I've tried the FAQ forums but they're all locked (Whazzup with that?)

Where do I go from here?

Retired Admin

5511 Posts

Posted - 27 May 2001 :  15:02:22  Show Profile  Visit gor's Homepage
Well...I think you'll have to go back to square one: download the right zipfile, because it looks like you downloaded the ASP-DEV zipfile instead of the Snitz zipfile.
Then use the readme.txt that is in the zipfile to see what to do from there. If that doesn't work, post here again and explain what was the error etc.

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Starting Member

2 Posts

Posted - 27 May 2001 :  23:02:03  Show Profile
Ahh, man, I can't believe I wasted so much time on something so stupid. You're exactly right. Thanks for the quick reply.

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Retired Admin

5511 Posts

Posted - 28 May 2001 :  01:06:04  Show Profile  Visit gor's Homepage
You're welcome

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