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Starting Member

6 Posts

Posted - 27 May 2001 :  00:39:43  Show Profile
I downloaded the forum software and tried to install it on my PC. I am trying to simulate same on front page to see how I can integrate it to my web page. But I am getting an error that says - "database not installed" I unzipped the access database in the tools folder and specified that as the path on the config.asp Could someone direct me to overcome this problem.

Secondly, if I have to upload these files to the ISP how do I actually go about doing that.

Thanks in advance.


Forum Moderator

5820 Posts

Posted - 27 May 2001 :  01:45:45  Show Profile  Visit dayve's Homepage
show your config string. are you running IIS? PWS?

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Starting Member

6 Posts

Posted - 27 May 2001 :  11:42:31  Show Profile

I posted the strConnString below. What is IIS/PWS ? By the way thanks for replying my post.


strConnString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (C:\unzipped\Snitz_Forums_2000_V3_1_SR4\Tools\tools\Snitz_Forums_2000.mdb)}; DBQ=c:\inetpub\dbroot\snitz_forums_2000.mdb" '## MS Access 97

show your config string. are you running IIS? PWS?


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Doug G
Support Moderator

6493 Posts

Posted - 27 May 2001 :  12:11:07  Show Profile
You need to have a local webserver to test asp pages on your own pc. Maybe this will help:


You need to serve up your asp pages with a web browser that supports asp processing. The browser doesn't enter in the picture unless the resulting HTML from your asp page has compatibility issues, but the actual asp code is processed on the server, not in the browser.

You can use any asp-capable web server. If you don't have access to a web server, Microsoft provides various Personal Web Servers for single-computer environments. In this case you will run the web server on your computer and use the Open Web in Frontpage.

You didn't mention your OS, so here are the options I know using MS technology.

W95, you can use PWS4 which is found on the Windows NT Option Pack, of all places. There was a PWS1.0 around 1996 or so, but asp was iffy at best. Then there was PWS2.0 without FTP, it was tolerable but not good. PWS4 is a reasonable implementation for development purposes.

FrontPage 97 and FrontPage 98 came with a PWS also, but with 97 anyway you had to install asp as an add-on. I stayed away from the FP PWS's, even though I use and like Frontpage. I don't think PWS is included with FrontPage 2000.

W98 and W98 SE both had PWS on the Windows CD. The PWS included was PWS4.0. I think there were slight differences between the PWS4 on the Option Pack and the PWS4 on the W98x CD, but I'm not positive.

NT4 workstation has Peer Web Services, a stripped-down IIS. You should install the NT Option Pack on NT4WS

W2K includes IIS5, which on W2K Pro doesn't install by default, you need to install it through Add-Remove programs.

Windows ME doesn't support PWS, although there are rumours you can get PWS4 off the NT Option Pack to work on ME, but it's not a supported configuration if you do.


Doug G
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